Accepting a value


Jim Jennings

I previously posted a message, "Entering a Value" Jun 28
2004 8:50 PM. Thank-you Mr. Ken Snell for your

However, I am still plagued by the basic notion of how to
set a form to where a user enters data (be it keyed
entry, magnetic card, barcode scanner, etc.) and have
that entry add a record. In this case, with the data
entered (EmployeeID), the date the entry occurred (date
() ), and the time the entry occurred (time() ).

As an example of what I'm trying to do, here is an
example I know everyone can associate with, which is a
grocery store register. The cashier scans the barcode on
a can of beans. The system reads the code (in my case
EmployeeID) and displays "Can of beans 10oz" and "$.59"
(in my case "Smith, John" and "7:57am".)

The system does not require the cashier to select from a
drop down menu, nor does it require the cashier to hit
enter or click new. It displays the information from the
previous entry and is ready to accept the new data (in my
case EmployeeID).

I would have thought this to be a simple answer, however
I have focused at least 12 hours in the last three days
researching and searching the web and have found no
answer. I hope someone can provide the solution or at
least push me in the right direction.


Jim Jennings

John Vinson

However, I am still plagued by the basic notion of how to
set a form to where a user enters data (be it keyed
entry, magnetic card, barcode scanner, etc.) and have
that entry add a record. In this case, with the data
entered (EmployeeID), the date the entry occurred (date
() ), and the time the entry occurred (time() ).

An Access Date/Time field contains both a date and a time portion:
you'ld really be prudent to use a field EntryTime with a default value
of Now(). If you really want two fields (with the additional
complications involved in searching them) use two fields with Default
properties of Date() and Time().

To add a record, have the Form's DataEntry property set to True. When
the form is opened it will be positioned at the new record; you can
type (or scan or card or whatever) into any textbox on the form. The
date and time will be filled in with no user interaction.

I'm not certain how Access is supposed to know the proper EmployeeID,
but I'd assume that you could have a separate "login" form where the
user would identfy herself; you could then set the Default property of
the EmployeeID control on this form to


and - again - the user need not do anything to have it fill in.

Jim Jennings

Setting the form's DataEntry property to true is great
for the initial opening of the form, however how do you
set the form to automatically move to a new record and
ready to accept another ID?


Jim Jennings

John Vinson

Setting the form's DataEntry property to true is great
for the initial opening of the form, however how do you
set the form to automatically move to a new record and
ready to accept another ID?

Simply tab out of the last field on the form. It will go to the "next"
record, which (if the form is in Data Entry mode) is the "new" record.
You can use the <Tab> key or the <Enter> key to do this.

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