Accepting license agreement in One Note 2003?


John T

Why do I have to accept the License Agreement every time I start One Note
2003? I have activated and registered the product. I do not like having to
accept the agreement every time I start One Note.

Erik Sojka (MVP)

That shouldn't be happening.

Can you try a "Detect and Repair" and see if that helps?

John T

I did a "Detect and Repair" which completed ok. But I still must accept the
license agreement.

Let me give some additional information. One Note 2003 came preinstalled on
a Toshiba laptop running Windows XP. I upgraded the laptop to Vista
Ultimate. After upgrading, I reloaded One Note from the Toshiba recovery
disk and have the issue of having to accept the license. I uninstalled and
reinstalled One Note to see if that might resolve the problem, but it did not.

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