Accepting Task Updates through PWA Not Showing on Project




I must be missing something...We don't use the time sheets, our resources
submit their hours through "My Tasks". Once they submit hours, I go to
Approvals, "Task Updates" and accept their hours. When using MS Project (not
PWA), even once I hit save and publish, I can't see the updated hours. If I
check the project back in and check it back out, then I can see their hours.

Isn't there a way to see the updated information in MS Project without
checking in/out the project?

Thank you for your help!


Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Stacey,

This can have many reasons. I guess the question is, do you have the project
open when you accept the task updates in PWA? If so you may experience this
behaviour. I would accept the changes directly from MS project. In this
instance you will see the update directly in your project schedule
Hope this helps


Hi Mark,

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly! I went into Project and from the
Collaborate menu, chose to "Update Project Progress". It looks like the PWA,
but inside project with instructions to the left. I previewed, then
accepted. The instructions on the left said a box would come up and ask if I
would like to apply updates to the plan...but I never got that box. When I
hit done, it did not update the plan.


Marc Soester [MVP]

hmmmmm, I wonder if you have any Queue errors or event log errors. It would
be great if you could check and let me know. Normally that works just fine.


Thanks for sticking with this Marc! When I looked this morning, there was
nothing stuck in the queue. I accepted one task this morning and it actually
gave me the question, but then locked me out again (saying previous checkin
wasn't complete), very odd, but let's skip this issue for now (we have so
many problems with Project not checking stuff in). I forced check in and
cleared cache and opened project again. I accepted one more task and it did
not ask me if I wanted to update the plan. The queue says "skipped for

Thanks again for sticking with this - we really appreciate your help!


Marc Soester [MVP]

Hi Stacey,

it sounds like you dont have all service packs installed, thats why you
probably still have the checkin issues. I would recommend that you install
service pack 2 and april cumulative update. Make sure that all MS Project
Professional instances also have SP2 installed. This should get writ of most
of your check in issues. In the past this has been a real issue, but now it
is not that big anymore, thanks to SP2
Hope this helps


Thanks Marc -

Will Do. Thanks and we'll let you know how we made out! Have a great day!


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