On Sat, 7 Oct 2006 08:55:02 -0700, B A Sullivan <B A
How do I get my number fields to display values that are less than 1 as the
actual value; e.g., 0.25?
By default, a Number field is defined as a Long Integer. Integers are,
by definition, whole numbers, and cannot accept fractional values such
as 0.25 or 1.25.
Either change the properties of the field - in the lower left corner
of the table design screen when you select the field - from Long
Integer to Float or Double; or change the datatype of the field itself
from Number to Currency. Float and Double are accurate to about 7 or
14 decimal places' accuracy, but both have problems with "roundoff
error"; Currency handles exactly four, no more and no fewer, decimal
places with no roundoff problems.
Depending on your version of Access, you may also have a Decimal size
property. Be aware that this has some bugs: see
John W. Vinson[MVP]