access 07 file size


jason K

I have a access database that i made it was 144MB in size and when i split
the backend onto network drive it stayed the same size , but i have copied
the data base it went to 14.8mb in size but all functions and all is still
their and working , now i have copied it again and now it 5.8 MB in size why
is it changing size on a all the time it have goone for 144 to 15.8 to 77 to
14.9 to 5.8 MB but it is still the same bata base and all still works

Tom Wickerath

Hi Jason,

It sounds to me like you have some underlying issue that is causing the
bloat. For example:

Database bloat is not stopped by compacting database with Access 2002


When you use compact and repair (Tools | Database Utilities... ---> Compact
and repair database in Access 2003 and earlier), you recover space made
available by (for example) clearing a temporary table. I would try to track
down the underlying cause of the bloat if I were you.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

jason K

I dont think that is the issue as I made this system in access 07, and it
went from 144MB to 5.8 MB it too much to be bloat, I have also had the system
crash while making a form and it restarted and made a back up befor reopning
the database , could that be the issue as i made it crash today and it made
the backup and had a msg at the bottom saying compacting could that be what
made it shrink.

also if their is a 4GB size limit wouldnt people just make copies when it
got to close to the limit and it would shrink by 900% like it did for me.

and would of i lost any thing when it shrunk.

Tom Wickerath

Hi Jason,
I dont think that is the issue as I made this system in access 07, and it
went from 144MB to 5.8 MB it too much to be bloat,...

So, you're not classifying a size difference, from 5.8 MB to 144 MB, as
bloat? Hmmm...interesting.
...and had a msg at the bottom saying compacting could that be what
made it shrink.

If it compacted the database, then yes, this is what likely made it shrink
in size.

also if their is a 4GB size limit....

You'd better look in Access Help once again (query for specifications). You
should be able to determine that the upper size limit is 2 GB, not 4 GB.

Are you using any forms that include Timer events? The reason I ask is that
so far I have seen one report of a form timer being implicated in DB bloat,
in Access 2007 (but not earlier versions).

and would of i lost any thing when it shrunk.

Given that I cannot see your database, I'm not sure how I'm suppose to give
you a definitive answer. However, my guess is that you lost nothing except
for space that was marked for deletion.

Tom Wickerath
Microsoft Access MVP

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