Access 2.0 Conversion to Access 2003


obo sobrio

I'm a newbie at this.
An existing small stand alone project has to be converted
to the current version of Access. I've d'ld the Access
2003 Conversion Toolkit and run the analysis on the two
databases and it reported no major problems for the
conversion. When I tried to import the tables into A2k3
a message stating that the 'you must install the
Microsoft Access 2.0 Converter in order to convert this
file.' I've followed the links to a page where I thought
I would find the download or at least an email address
where I could post a request. The search ended without
providing any help. Can someone tell me where to get
this piece of software?


Thanks for the help. The files (msacnv30.exe and
msacnv30.dll) from version 2.0 that were mentioned on
plexinet were still on the office computer but that
version had been uninstalled (I guess) when the update
was carried out at some time. So I just copied them
across as indicated on the plexinet site and it worked!!
Thanks very much.

There are some 16bit dlls attached to this application so
now the task is to find them. Any idea how to identify

BTW, when I called MS, I was put through to an individual
with a very strong accent who spoke very quickly and the
quality of the phone conection made it sound as if she
was talking with marbles in her mouth. I am curious as
to where MS farms out its technical support.


david epsom dot com dot au

Any DLL used will be listed in your code, at the top
of one (or more) of your form modules or code modules.

References to MSACCESS.EXE will be broken, and will
need to be replaced. References to Windows DLL's can
often be replaced with the equivalent Win32 dll (for
the parameters you need to replace int's with longs).

You may also need to check your INI file for other
code libraries, and possibly recode references to


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