Access 2 to Access 2000



I am trying to Convert an ACCESS Data base from Access 2 to Access 2000
It was written in 1994. I did not write it Iam trying to update it.

It uses the following DLL's and is Run by MSARN200.EXE
It also has an Addin, Utility.MBA

When I convert I get errors about 16 bit.

There are also many Declares in the Visual Basic code.
Declare Function aad_OpenComm Lib "User" Alias "OpenComm"
Declare Function aad_CloseComm Lib "User" Alias "CloseComm"
Declare Function WriteComm Lib "User" Alias "WriteComm"
Declare Function aad_ReadComm Lib "User" Alias "ReadComm"
Declare Function aad_GetCommEventMask Lib "User" Alias "GetCommEventMask"
Declare Function aad_SetCommEventMask Lib "User" Alias "SetCommEventMask"
Declare Function aad_SetCommState Lib "User" Alias "SetCommState"
Declare Function aad_GetCommState Lib "User" Alias "GetCommState"
' Windows API Declarations.
Declare Function wu_CheckMenuItem Lib "User" Alias "CheckMenuItem"
Declare Sub wu_DrawMenuBar Lib "User" Alias "DrawMenuBar"
Declare Function wu_EnableMenuItem Lib "User" Alias "EnableMenuItem"
Declare Function wu_GetActiveWindow Lib "User" Alias "GetActiveWindow"
Declare Function wu_GetClassName Lib "User" Alias "GetClassName"
Declare Function wu_GetClientRect Lib "User" Alias "GetClientRect"
Declare Function wu_GetDC Lib "User" Alias "GetDC"
Declare Function wu_GetDesktopWindow Lib "User" Alias "GetDesktopWindow"
Declare Function wu_GetDeviceCaps Lib "GDI" Alias "GetDeviceCaps"
Declare Function wu_GetFocus Lib "User" Alias "GetFocus"
Declare Function wu_GetMenu Lib "User" Alias "GetMenu"
Declare Function wu_GetMenuState Lib "User" Alias "GetMenuState"
Declare Function wu_GetParent Lib "User" Alias "GetParent"
Declare Function wu_GetSubMenu Lib "User" Alias "GetSubMenu"
Declare Function wu_GetWindow Lib "User" Alias "GetWindow"
Declare Function wu_GetWindowRect Lib "User" Alias "GetWindowRect"
Declare Function wu_IsZoomed Lib "User" Alias "IsZoomed"
Declare Function wu_MoveWindow Lib "User" Alias "MoveWindow"
Declare Function wu_SetFocus Lib "User" Alias "SetFocus"
Declare Function wu_ShowWindow Lib "User" Alias "ShowWindow"

I do not know what of this is included in Access 2000 and what is not.

Douglas J. Steele

Actually, your problem isn't really related to Access. The Declare
statements are references to Windows API calls. Access 2 was for a 16-bit
version of Windows, you're now using a 32-bit version.

Unfortunately, most people converted from 16 bit to 32 bit 10 years ago, so
there's not a whole lot of available documentation on the topic. offers an introduction.

Tony Toews [MVP]

Don said:
There are also many Declares in the Visual Basic code.
Declare Function aad_OpenComm Lib "User" Alias "OpenComm"
Declare Function aad_CloseComm Lib "User" Alias "CloseComm"
Declare Function WriteComm Lib "User" Alias "WriteComm"
Declare Function aad_ReadComm Lib "User" Alias "ReadComm"
Declare Function aad_GetCommEventMask Lib "User" Alias "GetCommEventMask"
Declare Function aad_SetCommEventMask Lib "User" Alias "SetCommEventMask"
Declare Function aad_SetCommState Lib "User" Alias "SetCommState"
Declare Function aad_GetCommState Lib "User" Alias "GetCommState"

These look like they are serial communication port calls.

When I did a search on aad_OpenComm all I found was which mentions Access 2
Developer's Guide, 2nd Edition by Roger Jennings, Which isn't all
that helpful.

Ah, wait I have the book. It's for an autodialer function. So
that you can have Access dial a phone and then pickup it up to talk.
You very likely aren't even using that code.


Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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