Access-200 on Windows-98


Anthony Acri

At work they are trying to run Access-2000 on a windows-98 machine.

Sometimes it hangs.

The application goes into the swithcboard to open the first menu.

In the bottom left corner., I see a message saying, Calculating......

Does anybody know what that message means?

Acccess then is stuck I do ctl,alt,del and see the program msgvr32 not

When I delete that, sometimes Access will then work again.

Any ideas what is happeng.

John Vinson

Acccess then is stuck I do ctl,alt,del and see the program msgvr32 not

When I delete that, sometimes Access will then work again.

.... and sometimes (I'd say pretty often!) you will end up with a
seriously corrupted database! This is VERY dangerous.

msgvr32 is NOT Access - I suspect that something else is stalling.

Check out Tony Toews' Performance FAQ; there may be some hints there:

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