Access 2000 and Office 2003 SBE



Can I run Access2k on the same machine as Office 2003SBE...are there any
gotchas or is it just a matter of installing only Access2k on the
machinemaybe in a seperate folder...a bit like A97 and A2k

Many thanks


Douglas J. Steele

There might be. I'm not sure about Office 2003 SBE, but I do know that
earlier versions of SBE included the run-time version of Access to work with
some of the functionality included in SBE. Installing in separate folders is
definitely a good idea, but there's a possibility that changing the default
association for .MDB files (which installing Access 2000 after would do)
might affect some SBE functionality.

Hopefully someone more familiar with Office 2003 SBE will pipe in.


Thanks Doug,
I am not sure about a run-time in 2003 BUT there will be no other version on
Access on the machine as the vanilla 2003 SBE does not include it.

So with a bit of luck it will probably work <grin>

Thanks for taking the time to reply.


Douglas J. Steele

You positive it's not there? It won't show up as a menu item.

Look to see whether msaccess.exe exists anywhere. As I said, I know that
older versions of SBE did install it.

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