Access 2000 Help vs Access 97



I've finally upgraded from Office 97 to Office 2000. Lots of new features
made it well worthwhile except for the Help in Access 2000. What happened to
I've read the blurb on the MS KB but there is nothing like as much help as
on 97 whether or not you try to read the Help article with a Module . I
wanted to look up the sytax for using the Between (with two dates) operator
in a
module rather than digging out my notes. Although the title came up in
the wizard (it didn't appear in the Index at all) with the title
Between...And (Microsoft Jet) when I clicked on it, I was told that the file
wasn't installed. I found this odd as I'd custom installed Office to include
all the etc's but I put the CD in. It made promising Loading noises but the
article still didn't appear when I clicked on the title. Another Help
article lacked the examples which 97 had.
I'm certainly glad that I have opted to run Access 97 alongside 2k. I think
I'm going to need it more than I thought.
Did anyone else notice this, or is there something I am missing something
vital about using Acc2K help.


You have successfully detected the vital point about Access 2000 help: it's
garbage. Access 2002 is little better, Access 2003 is a lot better, but
still not as good as Access 97.

You have also worked out the solution: keep Access 97, if only for the help


Thanks Baz. I thought I might have been missing some important way of using
Help in 2K

Bob Quintal

Microsoft wrecked it... throroughly.

The reaction from serious developers was... well, there were
some rather upset people in Redmond, applying soothing lotions
to their scorched ears.

There are three releases since 2000 (you're now using probably
the worst version of Access since the infamous A95), and the
Help file has been gradually improving. The help in 2003 is
almost as good as that in 97... I'm using 2000, 2002, and 2003
and I *still* have A97 installed for searchable, usable help.

John W. Vinson [MVP]
Is there a way to use the various .chm files from '97 with a
later version?

John W. Vinson

I've finally upgraded from Office 97 to Office 2000. Lots of new features
made it well worthwhile except for the Help in Access 2000. What happened to

Microsoft wrecked it... throroughly.

The reaction from serious developers was... well, there were some rather upset
people in Redmond, applying soothing lotions to their scorched ears.

There are three releases since 2000 (you're now using probably the worst
version of Access since the infamous A95), and the Help file has been
gradually improving. The help in 2003 is almost as good as that in 97... I'm
using 2000, 2002, and 2003 and I *still* have A97 installed for searchable,
usable help.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

John W. Vinson

Is there a way to use the various .chm files from '97 with a
later version?

I haven't really tried to find out - if I need it I just open A97.

John W. Vinson [MVP]

Tony Toews [MVP]

Bob Quintal said:
Is there a way to use the various .chm files from '97 with a
later version?

I just have a shortcut pointing to the A97 files and use that.

"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 97\Office\ACMAIN80.HLP"

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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