Access 2000 Make Table Query Warning Box


ProCad Jen

I am using Access 2000. I love this program, except.....

I have create a couple of make table queries which ask for input from the
user. When this query is run, and before it asks the user for the input, I
get a warning message that says that the query is about to replace the table
with new data, and is the user ok with that?, yes or no. As the database
designer, I know to answer yes, and it goes through the function with no

I don't WANT the warnings to show up, so I went into the
Tools>Options>Edit/Find and cleared the "Action Queries" box under the
confirm section. I have applied it. I have ok'd it. I have done this on
every possible table, query, form etc. that is involved with these two
queries. (not that it is a different menu with each one, but I was grasping
at straws.) I have restarted the program multiple times. I have rebooted
the computer multiple times.

The check boxes are EMPTY, but the warnings keep coming up. Is this a
problem with Access? or am I missing something. I will be authorizing
non-Access users to enter data into this database; I have been working on
this massive user-friendly, smooth-flowing database for almost two months,
and I don't want to have to say "just answer "yes" to the warning - I can't
make them go away."

If anyone knows of a fix, or SOMETHING to make these things go away, please



Hi Jennifer

instead of using DoCmd, use this form

currentdb.execute "SQL or action queryname"

this operates as
docmd.echo false
docmd.setwarnings false
docmd.openquery qname
docmd.echo whatever it was
docmd.setwarnings whatever it was

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at


ProCad Jen

Thanks Crystal. Sorry - definitely non-programmer at the other end of this
email discussion..... Where should I put this? and how?

Am I putting it at the beginning of the query code? or somewhere else so
that it effects the entire database? I have managed to build without using
SQL so far and messing around in the code makes me squeamish to say the least.

Thanks again.



Hi Jen,

sorry -- thought you wqere running code -- you are just
opening action queries I guess...

there are 2 things that affect the messages when you run
queries -- they can both be changed with a macro

try this:

click on the macros list in the database window

click the NEW button to make a new macro


Save Macro As --> TurnOff

action --> Echo
Echo On --> No

Action --> SetWarnings
Warning On --> No

Action --> MsgBox
Message --> Warnings and Echo are OFF

Save Macro As --> TurnOn

action --> Echo
Echo On --> Yes

Action --> SetWarnings
Warning On -->Yes

Action --> MsgBox
Message --> Warnings and Echo are ON


before you run action queries, run the TurnOff macro
after you are done, run TurnOn

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at


ProCad Jen


I have input the code that you gave me for this issue. It works like a
charm! Thanks!



you're welcome, Jen :) happy to help

Warm Regards,
Microsoft Access MVP 2006

Have an awesome day ;)

remote programming and training
strive4peace2006 at


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