Access 2000 not responding



Can anyone help with this puzzling behaviour from Access?

I can open Access databases and see all objects but none will open when I
double click them - there is no error message. After that when I close the
database the application window stays open and won't close when I select
Exit. I can only close the application window using Task Manager and stopping
the process.

Not sure whether this coincided with something else I did or installed.

Any ideas?


Sounds like you may have gotten rid of your warnings. Did you ever use
DoCmd.SetWarnings False in any of your code. If so, you may not have turned
them back on or you didn't have DoCmd.SetWarnings True in an error handler
where if something errored out before getting back to the DoCmd.SetWarnings
True code it would have left you without the warnings.

Do this:

1. Open a standard module, or select New Module when open from the database

2. Copy this code in:

Public Sub ResetWarnings()
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

And then put your cursor on the DoCmd line and click the Run button (button
that looks like a sideways triangle). That SHOULD reset the warnings for you
and then, if that was the issue it should start to work for you correctly.
Bob Larson
Access World Forums Super Moderator
Utter Access VIP
Tutorials at
If my post was helpful to you, please rate the post.



Thanks. I tried it but nothing happened. My problem is the same for any
database I open. I can't even open tables or queries in design view. I once
had a message saying something about an object not being registered. I have
in past uninstalled and reinstalled Office 2000 but that didn't fix it. When
I installed Office 97 instead, it seemed to be fine.


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