Access 2000 Security - Workgroup, Owner, User Permissions etc., H



I am attempting to grab some information from an Access 2000 database after
the system from which it originated crashed.

The information I have for this database is the password for entry to the
database and a USER and its ID.

Now, my question is, what do I need to do to setup an alternate machine to
access this database. I've tried adding the USER to the system with
Administrative rights. I've also tried recreating the workgroup information
file, but that attempt failed as well.

Keith Wilby

Superfreak3 said:
I am attempting to grab some information from an Access 2000 database after
the system from which it originated crashed.

The information I have for this database is the password for entry to the
database and a USER and its ID.

Now, my question is, what do I need to do to setup an alternate machine to
access this database. I've tried adding the USER to the system with
Administrative rights. I've also tried recreating the workgroup
file, but that attempt failed as well.

Use a shortcut with a command line in the format:

"full path to MSACCESS.EXE" "full path to your app.mdb" /wrkgrp "full path
to your WIF.mdw"

including quotation marks.

HTH - Keith.


I've also noticed during my reading on this subject that Users do not
necessarily refer to Windows/System users.

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