access 2000 to 2003 files


Rick K

I have many databases created in Acces 2000 on a comp.
w/98SE, which always worked fine. I copied these files to
new comp. running XP home, and using MS office Prof.
When I attempt to open these databases from Windows
explorer, I get anerror saying the <path><filename> is
unrecognized. Anyone know why?


Rick K said:
I have many databases created in Acces 2000 on a comp.
w/98SE, which always worked fine. I copied these files to
new comp. running XP home, and using MS office Prof.
When I attempt to open these databases from Windows
explorer, I get anerror saying the <path><filename> is
unrecognized. Anyone know why?


I can't answer your question, but I'll add my own.

I built a tool a while ago that uses sql and an Access db.
Recently my client switched to Access 2003 and now the
tool can not access the updated db. In addition, if the db
is uploaded and then downloaded again it requires a
password, which I don't have.

I'm assuming this can be fixed with some setting changes
in my client's Access program, but I don't have a copy of
2003 myself to play around with.

Any suggestions?

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