Access 2000



I volunteer at a Foodbank. The Foodbank wants to have an
Access DB to track client visits and control inventory.

1. I started Access development for this simple DB on my
computer, but how do I package it on a disc to get it to
the Foodbank? The Foodbank also has Access 2000 but I
get "jet engine" errors trying to install a copy, or a
replicated database at the Foodbank.
2. I feel like I am re-inventing the wheel developing this
DB. There must be a Foodbank somewhere that has already
done this system. Get any ideas on how I can find a
donated Access 2000 system for a Foodbank?
3. What text do you recommend for beginning Access


Larry Linson

What do you mean "how do I package on a disk to get it to the Foodbank"? You
just copy it like any other file. You may want to ZIP it first -- ZIPping
can shrink the file considerably (unless you have selected encryption, in
which it will not shrink much no matter what you do). Use media compatible
between the two systems.

I've used diskette for small DBs, ZIP Disks for moderately large ones, and
CDs for larger ones. If you use a recordable CD, remember that the file is
made read only when written there, and will carry that status when copied
off to the hard drive, so you'll need to right-click and de-select ReadOnly.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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