Hello John,
Yes, I am trying to delete records from all tables, using
the link table manager.
The linked table manager links tables - it doesn't have anything to do
with deleting records.
When i delete a record from the
query the record will delete, then when you close the
query and open it back up the record you just deleted is
back. It seems as though the three tables are not getting
updated with the deleted record, but just do not know
When you delete a record from this query it will NOT delete the record
from the main table. It will delete one record from the "manyest" side
of the three tables.
I would suggest opening the backend database and selecting "Cascade
Deletes" on all the relationships between these tables; then delete
the record, not from a three-table query, but directly from the main
table. The deletions will cascade to all the related tables. Or, if
you prefer not to use the cascade, use a Form with subforms; delete
the child records in the subforms, and then the mainform record.