Access 2002: Can't set RecordsetType


Vladimír Cvajniga

Hi, all,

in MS Access 2002 Czech version I can't set RecordsetType property...
neither in query design nor in form design. In the RecordsetType property
combo box I only have two options available:

row 1 in combo-box: dynamicka sada (Dynaset)
row 2 in combo-box:1

Yes, it's digit 1 in row 2! Setting either of the two values causes an error
Zadana hodnota neni pro toto pole platna.
Do ciselneho pole byl napr. zadan text nebo cislo, ktere presahuje nastaveni
velikosti pole.

The value is not valid for this field.
For example, you may have entered text in numeric field or value which
overflows field size.

What am I doing wrong? Is the only way to set RecordsetType in code? BTW,
there should be more values in the appropriate combo-box.

TYVM in advance.


P.S. Excuse me for my poor English. ;-)


are you trying to set the 'RecordsetType' property to the name of a
custom function; or one of the default values?


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