Access 2002 unnecessarily accesses home network



I've built a fairly simple database, which for now, resides on my desktop. As I switch from design view to data view and back, Access hangs for 10 seconds or so while it feverishly sends/receives data accross my home network.

If I unplug the ethernet cable, performance returns to normal and no error messages are generated. My "solution" is to unplug when I'm working on this project, but that's just stupid - I want to figure out what's going on here.

Ideas, anyone?


I know a little more: it's got something to do with the toolbar, and it happens even with a blank datablase. I move the mouse pointer accross the toolbar, and suddenly Acess "hangs" while a lot of network access occurs. During this time I can't highlight or press any toolbar buttons (or do anything else, for that matter). After 5 to 10 seconds I'm back in business. But it will happen again, somewhat randomly, everytime I go to the toolbar...

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