Access 2002 with Windows 98


Vic Spainhower


Does Access 2002 run with Windows 98 and Windows ME? I have an Access 2002
application (converted from A97) that stops responding as soon as the
application begins to paint the first form upon initiation. I have this
problem on 2 different laptops one is running Windows 98 and the other is
running Windows ME. No problem with Windows 2000 or Windows XP. It is
installed with a run-time version of A-2002.

Thanks Very Much!


Vic Spainhower

Thanks Albert,

I think I have a version problem with ADO. It looks like both laptops are
runn mdac version 2.5 and the installation procedure is supposed to install
mdac version 2.8. I placed MDAC_TYP in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office
Developer\Packaging Wizard\redist and it is my understanding this is
supposed to upgrade mdac.


Vic Spainhower

Well it's not MDAC as I did an install of MDAC on one of the computers and
it still fails. I would however like to find out out to automatically
install MDAC as part of the deployment package if that's possible.

The problem is definitely a missing reference as I'm calling the included
code on startup. However, when it runs and takes the IsBroken path (On Error
Resume Next is commented) it blows up with "... There was a problem
referencing the property or method of the object ..." and doesn't identify
the missing reference. I forced the IsBoroken path by creating a missing
reference on the XP machine and it works fine, just not on the 98 or ME
machines. I did manually verify all of the references on the 98 machine and
unless I Missed one they all seemed to be correct. If I put the On Error
Resume Next I just get the message "1 Unresolved References encountered"
upopn completion. I don't think it likes refItem.FullPath.

So now I have 2 problems! How to automatically upgrade MDAC with the
deployment package and why the reference check is failing. Any ideas??



Function ReferenceInfo()

Dim strMessage As String
Dim strTitle As String
Dim refItem As Reference
Dim iErrors As Integer
Dim strBadRef As String

On Error Resume Next
iErrors = 0
For Each refItem In References

If refItem.IsBroken Then
strBadRef = "Missing Reference:" & vbCrLf & refItem.FullPath
MsgBox "Missing Reference:" & vbCrLf & refItem.FullPath _
& vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "A critical element of the application is
missing" _
& vbCrLf & "from your computer. Contact support with " _
& vbCrLf & "the missing reference information identified
above.", vbCritical, "Show Secretary"
iErrors = iErrors + 1
strMessage = "Reference: " & refItem.Name & vbCrLf _
& "Location: " & refItem.FullPath & vbCrLf
End If

Next refItem

If iErrors = 0 Then
MsgBox iErrors & " Unresolved References encountered." & vbCrLf &
vbCrLf & strBadRef
End If
End Function

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