Kimberley Yochum
We are moving an Access2000 adp application to Access 2003. Access2000
version uses approle for security but we found Approle does not work the
same in Access2003 so we are switching to a proxy security method.
We need a way for SQL to know the nt username that initiated the proxy
connection. We need SQL to be able to retrieve that username very, very
quickly (basically without a table lookup) for each user's spids, regardless
of how many connections Access decides to make for the adp.
a.. All the insert and update triggers depended on SYSTEM_USER to stamp
the user who wrote the data on the row
b.. Many stored procedures and views use a UDF that also depends on
c.. Since we're reconnecting each user as a proxy user, we need a way for
SQL to determine the nt user of the application.
d.. Note: Modifying the client to pass the user in is simply not practical
due to the huge amount of code change.
Our solution
We are using SET CONTEXT_INFO to stuff the user's name into the context_info
of sysprocesses when the app first logs in. We have a UDF - fnSystemUser
that queries sysprocesses to return what SYSTEM_USER used to. Unfortunately,
for the triggers or any UDFs (which previously only hit SYSTEM_USER), that
meant a nose dive in performance since the UDF is executing on every row
instead of evaluating once as if it were deterministic for the life of that
query. Although SYSTEM_USER is nondeterministic, it appears it was only
evaluated once for the queries instead of the performance we see now on our
UDF returning the system user name from context_info, that indicates
executing on every row.
Since Access adps open multiple connections dynamically our fnSystemUser is
coded to find the Context_info of the spid that was first set through client
code. See the code below:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnSystemUser()
RETURNS nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @ContextInfo varbinary(128)
DECLARE @DomainUserName nchar(128)
-- First attempt to get the username stuffed into
-- context_info of this connection
SELECT @ContextInfo = context_info
FROM master..sysprocesses
WHERE spid = @@SPID
-- Convert it to nvarchar
SET @DomainUserName = CAST(CAST(REPLACE(@ContextInfo,0x0000,'') AS
varbinary(128)) AS nvarchar(50))
-- If the context info is blank then we're on one of the connections
-- that Access dynamically created but the client code can't access
to stuff
-- something into the context_info. Interrogate all other spids for
-- user and this client process (using net_address to guarantee we've
got the
-- right user), to pull username from the context info of another
IF LEN(@DomainUserName) < 1
DECLARE @NetAddress nchar(12)
SELECT TOP 1 @NetAddress = net_address
FROM master..sysprocesses p
SELECT TOP 1 @ContextInfo = context_info
FROM master..sysprocesses p
INNER JOIN master..sysdatabases d
on p.dbid = d.dbid
WHERE hostprocess = HOST_ID()
AND d.Name = DB_NAME()
AND NOT CAST(context_info as nchar(50))= SPACE(50)
AND (LEN(@NetAddress) < 1 OR net_address = @NetAddress)
ORDER BY Context_info
SET @DomainUserName =
CAST(CAST(REPLACE(@ContextInfo,0x0000,'') AS varbinary(128)) AS
/* Fail safe, if we couldn't find a non-empty Context_Info to
discover the
logged in user then could be the user is attached with Query
Analyzer or
some other method and we'll just use the user as they are logged
into SQL */
IF LEN(@DomainUserName) < 1
SET @DomainUserName = SYSTEM_USER
Solving the performance problem
Here are some workaround we've tried:
a.. Querying sysprocesses seems slow so we instead created a table
SyUserLogin and use HostID() and HostName() to find the right row. We've
seen SQL change HostName (or Workstation ID) to "Pool08" and seen 2 users
have the same HostName. So there is no guarantee that when a user logs in
that HostID() and HostName() will uniquely identify each user. but the odds
are in our favor.
Basically here's what runs (stripped of the uniqueness checks) when the
user first logs in to SQL:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SyUserLogin]
([UserName], [HostName], [HostID], [NetAddress])
SELECT @SystemUserName, -- username that we pass in
@NetAddress -- from the sysprocesses row for this spid
Here's the new fnSystemUser:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnSystemUser()
RETURNS nvarchar(50)
(SELECT UpdateUserName
FROM SyUserLogin
WHERE HostName = Host_NAME()
a.. We tried to change the connection string to use either "Application
Name" or "Workstation ID" as a cubby hole to stuff the nt user name. We can
get this to work in a VB Script:
dim objConnection
dim strAccessConnect
strAccessConnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1" & _
";Net=dbnmpntw;Data Source=ASQLServer" & _
";Initial Catalog=MyDatabase" & _
";Persist Security Info=False;Application
Name=MyTestApp;Workstation ID=NTUserName;"
Set objConnection = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
objConnection.Open strAccessConnect, "OurProxy", "ProxyPassword"
Msgbox objConnection.ConnectionString
set objconnection = nothing
But when we try this in Access2003, Access seems to stomp on those value
when it connects. We've played with the Connection dialog settings, but
can't seem to convince Access to leave our connection string values alone.
If we could get this to work then it would be ideal. Querying HostName() or
even Appname() although obscure would be as fast as SYSTEM_USER()
a.. Could we somehow create a function that would wrap context_info and
match the speed of SYSTEM_USER?
Thank you in advance for reading through this and commenting!
Kimberley Yochum (e-mail address removed)
version uses approle for security but we found Approle does not work the
same in Access2003 so we are switching to a proxy security method.
We need a way for SQL to know the nt username that initiated the proxy
connection. We need SQL to be able to retrieve that username very, very
quickly (basically without a table lookup) for each user's spids, regardless
of how many connections Access decides to make for the adp.
a.. All the insert and update triggers depended on SYSTEM_USER to stamp
the user who wrote the data on the row
b.. Many stored procedures and views use a UDF that also depends on
c.. Since we're reconnecting each user as a proxy user, we need a way for
SQL to determine the nt user of the application.
d.. Note: Modifying the client to pass the user in is simply not practical
due to the huge amount of code change.
Our solution
We are using SET CONTEXT_INFO to stuff the user's name into the context_info
of sysprocesses when the app first logs in. We have a UDF - fnSystemUser
that queries sysprocesses to return what SYSTEM_USER used to. Unfortunately,
for the triggers or any UDFs (which previously only hit SYSTEM_USER), that
meant a nose dive in performance since the UDF is executing on every row
instead of evaluating once as if it were deterministic for the life of that
query. Although SYSTEM_USER is nondeterministic, it appears it was only
evaluated once for the queries instead of the performance we see now on our
UDF returning the system user name from context_info, that indicates
executing on every row.
Since Access adps open multiple connections dynamically our fnSystemUser is
coded to find the Context_info of the spid that was first set through client
code. See the code below:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnSystemUser()
RETURNS nvarchar(50)
DECLARE @ContextInfo varbinary(128)
DECLARE @DomainUserName nchar(128)
-- First attempt to get the username stuffed into
-- context_info of this connection
SELECT @ContextInfo = context_info
FROM master..sysprocesses
WHERE spid = @@SPID
-- Convert it to nvarchar
SET @DomainUserName = CAST(CAST(REPLACE(@ContextInfo,0x0000,'') AS
varbinary(128)) AS nvarchar(50))
-- If the context info is blank then we're on one of the connections
-- that Access dynamically created but the client code can't access
to stuff
-- something into the context_info. Interrogate all other spids for
-- user and this client process (using net_address to guarantee we've
got the
-- right user), to pull username from the context info of another
IF LEN(@DomainUserName) < 1
DECLARE @NetAddress nchar(12)
SELECT TOP 1 @NetAddress = net_address
FROM master..sysprocesses p
SELECT TOP 1 @ContextInfo = context_info
FROM master..sysprocesses p
INNER JOIN master..sysdatabases d
on p.dbid = d.dbid
WHERE hostprocess = HOST_ID()
AND d.Name = DB_NAME()
AND NOT CAST(context_info as nchar(50))= SPACE(50)
AND (LEN(@NetAddress) < 1 OR net_address = @NetAddress)
ORDER BY Context_info
SET @DomainUserName =
CAST(CAST(REPLACE(@ContextInfo,0x0000,'') AS varbinary(128)) AS
/* Fail safe, if we couldn't find a non-empty Context_Info to
discover the
logged in user then could be the user is attached with Query
Analyzer or
some other method and we'll just use the user as they are logged
into SQL */
IF LEN(@DomainUserName) < 1
SET @DomainUserName = SYSTEM_USER
Solving the performance problem
Here are some workaround we've tried:
a.. Querying sysprocesses seems slow so we instead created a table
SyUserLogin and use HostID() and HostName() to find the right row. We've
seen SQL change HostName (or Workstation ID) to "Pool08" and seen 2 users
have the same HostName. So there is no guarantee that when a user logs in
that HostID() and HostName() will uniquely identify each user. but the odds
are in our favor.
Basically here's what runs (stripped of the uniqueness checks) when the
user first logs in to SQL:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[SyUserLogin]
([UserName], [HostName], [HostID], [NetAddress])
SELECT @SystemUserName, -- username that we pass in
@NetAddress -- from the sysprocesses row for this spid
Here's the new fnSystemUser:
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.fnSystemUser()
RETURNS nvarchar(50)
(SELECT UpdateUserName
FROM SyUserLogin
WHERE HostName = Host_NAME()
a.. We tried to change the connection string to use either "Application
Name" or "Workstation ID" as a cubby hole to stuff the nt user name. We can
get this to work in a VB Script:
dim objConnection
dim strAccessConnect
strAccessConnect = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1" & _
";Net=dbnmpntw;Data Source=ASQLServer" & _
";Initial Catalog=MyDatabase" & _
";Persist Security Info=False;Application
Name=MyTestApp;Workstation ID=NTUserName;"
Set objConnection = createobject("ADODB.Connection")
objConnection.Open strAccessConnect, "OurProxy", "ProxyPassword"
Msgbox objConnection.ConnectionString
set objconnection = nothing
But when we try this in Access2003, Access seems to stomp on those value
when it connects. We've played with the Connection dialog settings, but
can't seem to convince Access to leave our connection string values alone.
If we could get this to work then it would be ideal. Querying HostName() or
even Appname() although obscure would be as fast as SYSTEM_USER()
a.. Could we somehow create a function that would wrap context_info and
match the speed of SYSTEM_USER?
Thank you in advance for reading through this and commenting!
Kimberley Yochum (e-mail address removed)