I am an Access 2003 user and would like to learn how to expand its
functionality using Visual Basic. I am not clear what would be the best way
to proceed: VBA, VB, VB.NET, etc. I would appreciate any input you can
provide to distinguish between the various VB alternatives and if one would
be more suitable than another as applied to Access 2003. If you could
recommend a book to start with from amongst the innumeralbe books available,
it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your assistance.
functionality using Visual Basic. I am not clear what would be the best way
to proceed: VBA, VB, VB.NET, etc. I would appreciate any input you can
provide to distinguish between the various VB alternatives and if one would
be more suitable than another as applied to Access 2003. If you could
recommend a book to start with from amongst the innumeralbe books available,
it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your assistance.