Access 2003 and Visual Source Safe


Chicago Bob

Do any of the VSS versions integrate with Access 2003?

I was using the VSS 6.0 add-in tools successfully, but for some reason it
has stopped working (no SourceSafe items in Tools menu any more). I've tried
uninstalling Office, reinstalling Office and VSS add-in tools, no luck.

I've not been able to locate any concrete information on this topic via
MSDN, forums, etc.

Thanks much,

Paul Shapiro

You need to download the Access source code control addin from Microsoft's
website. The filename I saved it under might not be the original filename,
but I have it as Access2003SourceCodeControlAddIn_odc_accscc.exe. Check the
Microsoft downloads, or maybe MS Office downloads. It works with VSS 6.0 and
VSS 2005. If you have it installed and it's not working, I don't know an
answer to that. It's working here with Access 2003. It's been a while but I
don't remember having to do anything more than install it to get it working.
Paul Shapiro

Chicago Bob

Thank you Paul, I got it working again. I uninstalled VSS 6, reinstalled,
then SP6, then the add-ins and it's ok. Lot's of wasted time though.

Are you saying the source code control add-in works with VSS 2005?

Thanks again,

Paul Shapiro

Glad its fixed. Yes, I'm using Access 2003 with VSS 2005. I don't remember
doing anything special when I upgraded VSS 6 to 2005, but its been a while
so I might have forgotten something.
Paul Shapiro

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