Access 2003 fails to open Outlook 2003 using Automation


Victor Bravo

The following code works on standalone PCs that once had Office 2000 Pro
installed but then had a NEW (not upgrade) installation of Office 2003 Pro
with SP2 installed. The OS is XP Pro SP2.

When put onto a client PC running Office Pro 2003 SP2 on XP Pro SP2 where
Office 2000 had never existed "Automation Error 2147024770" occurs.

I have followed the steps in Article 327219 on the client and the Exchange
Server machines but the only difference is the message changes to "Unable to
inialise Outlook application or NameSpace object variables.

Code example in my function:
InitialiseOutlook() As Boolean
Dim olApp As Outlook.Application
Dim olNS As Outlook.NameSpace
Set olApp = New Outlook.Application
Set olNS = olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI")
InitialiseOutlook = True
End Function

I suspect a file installed by Office 2000 remains in the System folder and
Office 2003 does not install it and so automation fails.

Has anyone any ideas, please?


I wonder if you are having the same problem as I am with the installation of
MSO.DLL installed by Office 2003 SP2. When I replaced the MSO.DLL from the
version of SP1 everything started working for my word that executes through
a program while no one is logged into the server. (It runs under the system
account). If you try this and find out that it does work for you by
replacing the MSO.DLL from the SP1 version then please let me know. I am
also researching a fix for my problem instead of having to replace the
MSO.DLL to an old version.

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