I've been at this way too long! Syntax errors, type conversion
errors...help! I've tried ltrim/rtrim left/right...latest follows. fullname
field is formatted "smith, john". from other postings I tried the following
and now a type conversion error coming up...?
UPDATE [members test]
SET FirstName=Left([FullName],InStr([FullName]," ")-1)
WHERE ((([members test].FirstName) Is Null));
errors...help! I've tried ltrim/rtrim left/right...latest follows. fullname
field is formatted "smith, john". from other postings I tried the following
and now a type conversion error coming up...?
UPDATE [members test]
SET FirstName=Left([FullName],InStr([FullName]," ")-1)
WHERE ((([members test].FirstName) Is Null));