Access 2003: How to split one (lastname, firstname) field into 2?



I've been at this way too long! Syntax errors, type conversion! I've tried ltrim/rtrim left/right...latest follows. fullname
field is formatted "smith, john". from other postings I tried the following
and now a type conversion error coming up...?

UPDATE [members test]
SET FirstName=Left([FullName],InStr([FullName]," ")-1)
WHERE ((([members test].FirstName) Is Null));

Rick B

You are trying to insert the XX left digits in your first name field? Don't
you have it backwards? Isn't the first name the right portion?


I've been at this way too long! Syntax errors, type conversion! I've tried ltrim/rtrim left/right...latest follows. fullname
field is formatted "smith, john". from other postings I tried the following
and now a type conversion error coming up...?

UPDATE [members test]
SET FirstName=Left([FullName],InStr([FullName]," ")-1)
WHERE ((([members test].FirstName) Is Null));

i don't quite follow you.
"smith, john" is how the data is stored, yet your code is attempting
to fill the [FirstName] field with the LastName (left portion) of the
full name, i.e. "smith".

If it is the LastName field you wish to fill, then use:

Update [Members Test] Set [Members Test].[LastName] =
Left([FullName],InStr([FullName],",")-1) Where [Members
Test].[LastName] Is Null;

If it is the First Name you wish to fill, then use:

Update [Members Test] Set [Members Test].[FirstName] =
Mid([FullName],InStr([FullName],",")+2) Where [Members
Test].[FirstName] Is Null;

Note: It's not a good idea to use table (or field) names that include
spaces. MembersTest or Members_Test are just as easy to read, yet will
avoid future pitfalls. tblMembersTest would be even better, as it is
immediately clear that the object is a table.

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