Access 2003 interface with Sharepoint




I have a database that I might need to allow others to use via the internet.
We are using Sharepoint.

To interface my db with SharePoint will I have to put the db on the web

Are there known problems with interfacing Access 03 with Sharepoint?

Thanks for the help.

Arvin Meyer MVP

Walt said:

I have a database that I might need to allow others to use via the
We are using Sharepoint.

To interface my db with SharePoint will I have to put the db on the web

You'll have to put a copy of your DB into SharePoint lists. Unfortunately,
there is no referential integrity in SharePoint, so you really can't do much
more than view some records and perhaps update a list. You can sync that
update, however with the Access table providing the data can pass all the
validation rules.
Are there known problems with interfacing Access 03 with Sharepoint?

Other than the aforementioned, the only problem is speed. Syncing data
between the database and SharePoint is painfully slow if you have more than
a few dozen records. My last attempt at a sync took 12.5 minutes for about
2,000 records.

I'd consider either a small asp/ application or using a Terminal
Server if you have a full database that needs sharing. SharePoint is just
fine for sharing something like a contact list.

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