Access 2003 memo field truncated while exporting as RTF



I have a Report that I generate. It picks up data from a memo field. No
manipulations on that field just a simple select.

The Snapshot shows the data correctly.
When exporting to the same report to RTF format or txt, csv format if the
data in the field is large then the data from this field gets truncated and
appears in other parts of the document. I have multiple memo fields like

Did a lot of research and found out that it was a bug that had no solution
in Access 2000/2002. There are quite a few articles about it.

Is this issue resolved in Acess 2003 SP3 (that is the version I am using).
Is there a solution to this problem, else I need to investigate other
options. Just want to know if I should persist down the path on trying to fix
the export process.


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