Access 2003: Problem with DMAX() and conditional formatting



Problem is I am trying to apply conditional formatting in a main form based
on the values in a form at a lower level. I am using the DMAX function along
with defined expressions to try and get this to work. I was able to get
these methods to work at a different level, but for some reason the following
just wont work for me.
Can anyone see the problem with this. Any help is much appreciated.

There are three states that im am comparing with DMAX..each identified by 1,
2, 3. What should happen is that if the max state is 1 then the box should
be hilighted green...if 2 then yellow..3 = red. At the moment the only value
that comes up is 3 (red) when it should be either 1 or 2 and also the DMAX
equals the same value for all the records on the form. You will see in the
code that I refer to txtSubSystem which is a textbox that is used to show the
ID for each individual record.

I was able to get the following test query to succesfully get the MAX value
but the DMAX and expressions wont work at all.

SELECT Max([Sub-Assembly].StateofSubAssembly) AS MAXSTATE
FROM [Sub-System] INNER JOIN (Equipment INNER JOIN [Sub-Assembly] ON
Equipment.EquipmentID=[Sub-Assembly].EquipmentID) ON [Sub-System].

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim ctl As Control, n As Integer
Dim lngRed As Long
Dim lngGreen As Long
Dim lngYellow As Long
Dim SubSysID As String

lngRed = RGB(255, 0, 0)
lngGreen = RGB(0, 255, 0)
lngYellow = RGB(255, 255, 0)


Dim exp1, exp2, exp3 As String

SubSysID = Me.txtSubSystem

exp1 = "DMAX(""[Sub-Assembly.StateofSubAssembly]"", ""Sub-Assembly"", ""
[Equipment.EquipmentID] = [Sub-Assembly.EquipmentID]"" AND ""[Equipment.
SubSystemID] = [Sub-System.SubSystemID]"" AND ""[Sub-System.SubSystemID] =
txtSubSystem)" & "=""1"""
exp2 = "DMAX(""[Sub-Assembly.StateofSubAssembly]"", ""Sub-Assembly"", ""
[Equipment.EquipmentID] = [Sub-Assembly.EquipmentID]"" AND ""[Equipment.
SubSystemID] = [Sub-System.SubSystemID]"" AND ""[Sub-System.SubSystemID] =
txtSubSystem)" & "=""2"""
exp3 = "DMAX(""[Sub-Assembly.StateofSubAssembly]"", ""Sub-Assembly"", ""
[Equipment.EquipmentID] = [Sub-Assembly.EquipmentID]"" AND ""[Equipment.
SubSystemID] = [Sub-System.SubSystemID]"" AND ""[Sub-System.SubSystemID] =
txtSubSystem)" & "=""3"""

Dim fmc As FormatCondition
Set fmc = Me!txtDetails.FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , exp1)
Set fmc = Me!txtDetails.FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , exp2)
Set fmc = Me!txtDetails.FormatConditions.Add(acExpression, , exp3)

With Me!txtDetails.FormatConditions(0)
.BackColor = lngGreen
End With
With Me!txtDetails.FormatConditions(1)
.BackColor = lngYellow
End With
With Me!txtDetails.FormatConditions(2)
.BackColor = lngRed
End With

Debug.Print Expression()

' If the number of records in the subform
' is greater than 9, display the
' vertical scrollbar.
If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount > 9 Then
Me.ScrollBars = 2
Me.ScrollBars = 0
End If
End Sub

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