shawn clarke
I have a database application that had been converted to Access 2003 from Access 97 (both the frontend and backend have been converted). I have found that the database will bloat whenever the tables are relinked (either done using the Linked Table Manager or through code). This does not happen in Access 97. I have tried with the backend database being on the same local harddrvie as the frontend and with a remote data database and it does not change the outcome.
A database that initially was 400K ends up bloating to 15M after relinking the tables. There are approximately 30 tables that are being linked. Compacting and Repairing the database does put things back to the proper size.
Is there any way for me to prevent this from happening? Any suggestions why this happens in 2003 and not 97?
A database that initially was 400K ends up bloating to 15M after relinking the tables. There are approximately 30 tables that are being linked. Compacting and Repairing the database does put things back to the proper size.
Is there any way for me to prevent this from happening? Any suggestions why this happens in 2003 and not 97?