Access 2003



I have a database that I created with 2002 which I split into a frontend and
a backend. For starters, I created a folder on the C:Drive\MSI_SHIPPER and
put the backend into the folder. I then copied the frontend to the desktop.
I opened the frontend, holding down the shift key, went to Tools/Link Table
Manager in order to link to the backend, but I keep getting some sort of
security message, and to be honest, I didn't copy the message down, and the
computer in question is one at work.

I don't know much about 2003, but I know there is more security with macros
and certificates and such. I am hoping with my limited information there is
something obvious that I need to do, and I am hoping someone can give me
some assistance or point me in the direction to where I can find a solution
to my problem.

I think I am getting some sort of msgbox about protection. I am given a
yes/no/help dialog box. I receive the box twice. I am assuming one for
each database. It doesn't much matter what I select, the Link Table Manager
continues until the database opens; however, the link was not successful.
The links still point to the backend where it was at on the development

Thanks in advance.


I did some reading about Sandbox Mode and realized the warning I was
receiving had to do with Unsafe Expressions are not blocked. I realized
that Jet 4.0 Service Pack 8 needs to be installed on the computers.

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