Access 2003



I'm having problems importing .xls spreadsheets into access 2003.
I tried to re-register the .dll file, but I'm still having the same problem.

Which is:
File N/path was not imported successfully. No other error messages.

Any one have a suggestion to remedy the problem?


John Rinaldo
Loan Officer
The New York Mortgage Company
114 Turnpike Road, Suite 201
Westborough, MA 01581
Mobile 508.450.0044
Office. 508.366.8556
Fax. 888.225.8769


If you can please post how you are trying to accomplish this import, we can
In addition to your code or description, we will also need your last two pay
stubs, you last 3 bank statements, your W2's for the last 2 years, and a list
of all your current long term debts. :)


I open an access database I created.
Click file, get external data, and then select the excel spreadsheet I want
to import.
Next, the import spreadsheet wizard pops up, and go through the steps to set
up my data, and after I click finish to import the data in a new table the
following message box appears:

An error occured trying to import file 'C:\ipsum lorem, etc...'. The file
was not imported.
Also, I've attempted the same procedure with different size files, and with
the same results.

btw, you'll be recieving all of my pertinent information along with a check
for your services<Grin>


Not knowing what is in your spreadsheet or how it is layed out, it would be
hard to tell. Have you every been able to do this before?
If this is a new exercise for you, be aware that it really only is useful
for columnar data like:
Name SSN Balance
Smith 123-45-5432 5310.45
Jones 434-99-8765 1255.99
Rogers 564-29-8080 8250.00

You may try looking in you list of tables to see if you have any that start
with the name of the spreadsheet and end with "$_ImportErrors". This may
give some hint as to what is wrong.
Also, try doing the import by hand. Go into your VBA editor. You can get
there from your main tool bar by Tools->Macros->Visual Basic Editor
Then you will need the Immediate window. View->Immediate Window
Now you can use VBA code to do this for your. If you click on help in the
VB editor and type in TransferSpreadsheet, it will give you all the arguments
you need to do the transfer.

Basically, it is:
Docmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, SpreadsheetType, TableName to Import
Into, Spreadsheet FileName, Has Field Names (True if the first row is
headers, otherwise False), A range to import (only if you don't want the
entire sheet or the file has multiple sheets)
Here is the example from Help:
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acImport, 3, "Employees","C:\Lotus\Newemps.wk3",
True, "A1:G12"

Let me know how this works out, if you don't get it resolved, post back as
much info as you can and we will take another whack at it.

btw - couldn't resist, I'm going through the process right now. Hope to
close by 9/30

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