Access 2007 chart on form


M Skabialka

I downloaded an MS sample database where one of the forms opens to a simple
chart. When I go into design view it shows the control source as one of my
tables, and there are three fields one above the other shown on the form and
nothing else. These are not the fields that are on the chart.
I would like to use this form, but with modifications, but cannot seem to
figure out what tells the chart what data to use, why the design view shows
unrelated fields etc. In previous versions charts were manipulated like
Excel, this one seems more like magic!

M Skabialka

I had found this article but it talks you through creating a new chart. The
chart is already on my form but I can't edit the source or figure out where
it decides on x and y axes, data, etc. I was thinking that I would be in
the same boat if I created the chart from scratch and wanted to edit it

e.g. the article says: "... change the design of the query in the Charts
properties. To do this, open the form in design view, select the Chart
object, choose properties, find the RowSource and click on the build

When I open the form in design view I don't see the chart, I see the three
fields and their labels, nothing else.

Mark Andrews

When you add a chart from scratch does the chart wizard come up? You
normally start with the wizard and you pick the table or query
and it walks you through a first shot at the rowsource. Then it displays as
a chart in design mode, maybe with junk data.

On your form:
- does the chart work at all?
- Can you get to properties and if so what are the OLE Class and Class
- Do you have SP1 for Access2007?

Possibly using an older version of the MSChart OCX control???


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