Access 2007 CPU always at 50%



I recently upgraded to Access 2007 from 2003. When I open the application
the CPU goes and stays at 50% (dual processor CPU) even when sitting and
doing nothing on the title screen. Strangely, when I open the options dialog
box the processor goes back to zero, but reverts to 50% when I close the
options dialog box.

Yes, I know it sounds silly, but any suggestions are welcome.

Jerry Whittle

This strange behavior has been happening for at least a decade. A single
processor would often drive the cpu to 100%, but give up the cpu as soon as
something else needed it. I've heard different things like it's just a false
reading in the Task Manager to it's really driving the cpu that hard but it
doesn't hurt anything.

For my next computer I might get a quad-core. That way I'll only see 25%! ;-)


Things aren't real slow, I can generally get things done, though I haven't
done anything yet that would require heavy processing.

I did open an .accdb that had a missing VBA reference. The problem seemed
to start after that.

Tony Toews [MVP]

Jerry Whittle said:
This strange behavior has been happening for at least a decade. A single
processor would often drive the cpu to 100%, but give up the cpu as soon as
something else needed it.

You're thinking of ACC: Microsoft Access Shows 100% CPU Utilization
During Idle Time However
that should've been fixed in A2000 and newer. I've never seen this
problem since I stopped using A97.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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Tony Toews [MVP]

jtcolber said:
I recently upgraded to Access 2007 from 2003. When I open the application
the CPU goes and stays at 50% (dual processor CPU) even when sitting and
doing nothing on the title screen.

What happens when you open an empty MDB?

Is there some startup code which is running in a loop? Or maybe a
timer event that mistakenly runs code every millisecond rather than
every minute.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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When I open a blank mdb it still goes to 50%. I don't have any startup code
that I am aware of.

I appreciate your replies.


If you leave it longer, does it eventually drop? You get this
same behaviour with no mdb loaded?

Access 2007 can take 5 minutes to fully check and complete
it's installation process. It does the check everytime it starts,
but I don't know that it should take that long to complete,
unless it is a new installation, or you have been running A2000.

Or you may be seeing some kind of behaviour from your
anti-virus software: can you turn that off and try again?

Or it may be some strange Windows Vista behaviour:
'optimising' or something like that.

Or it may be some strange network behaviour: is it the
same if you disconnect from the network?


Tony Toews [MVP]

jtcolber said:
When I open a blank mdb it still goes to 50%.

Now that's really interesting. And that wouldn't be any startup code
obviously. I have no idea then.


Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -

D Riggins

I am experiencing the same behavior with Access 2007 on a dual processor
machine Running XP SP2. It doesn't seem to matter if a database is open but
idle, a blank database is open or even no database open. Is there a patch
for this?

Paul Shapiro

I think this behavior has been there for many years. If I remember
correctly, CPU usage drops to normal level when you minimize the Access
window. Access yields cpu readily from it's "idle" condition if other
applications need cpu. I've guessed that Access spins through loops looking
for ui events, rather than waiting quietly, but it's only a guess.

Bottom line is I think this is by-design and not as serious a problem as it
would seem.

Tony Toews [MVP]

Paul Shapiro said:
I think this behavior has been there for many years. If I remember
correctly, CPU usage drops to normal level when you minimize the Access
window. Access yields cpu readily from it's "idle" condition if other
applications need cpu. I've guessed that Access spins through loops looking
for ui events, rather than waiting quietly, but it's only a guess.

Actually it was keyboard IIRC but A97 was the last version in which
this was a problem. I've never noticed it since then. So this is a
different problem.

Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
Please respond only in the newsgroups so that others can
read the entire thread of messages.
Microsoft Access Links, Hints, Tips & Accounting Systems at
Tony's Microsoft Access Blog -

a a r o n . k e m p f

well.. if I remember correctly-- all you kids have been listening to
these MDB dipshits that tell you to open a connection and just leave
it open.

Maybe if you kids didn't have to make up workarounds like this-- all
the time-- then maybe, just maybe-- Access wouldn't cause problems
like this.

For the record; I've _SURE_ never had this problem with SQL Server!
and I've spent a _LOT_ of time watching perfmon metrics over the


d t

Any news on this issue? I now have exactly the same problem. Even just opening A2007 and not opening any database I get 50% CPU (on dual core). Minimize A2007, CPU usage drops. Open Access options, cpu usage drops, just as indicated in post.

My problem started immediately after I entered the following line in a Text Box Control Source line on the Property Sheet:

= SELECT tbl1.field1 FROM tbl1 WHERE tbl2.SomeField = tbl1.SomeField

CPU usage went up then. Closed A2007, started A2007, CPU usage is still 50%. Rebooted, started A2007, cup usage still at 50%. Disconnected from network, turned symantec AV off, restarted A2007, cup usage still 50%.

Yes, I know it sounds dumb, syntax is probably wrong, but that is when the problem started.


Any news on this issue? I now have exactly the same problem. Even just
opening A2007 and not opening any database I get 50% CPU (on dual core).
Minimize A2007, CPU usage drops. Open Access options, cpu usage drops,
just as indicated in post.

I have this problem. Does anyone else have this problem, or is this expected
behavior? Should I uninstall Access 2007 and re-install?



What version of Windows?

If you leave it 15 minutes, is it still the same?

Do you have MS Auto-update for Windows/Office turned on?


Any news on this issue? I now have exactly the same problem. Even just
opening A2007 and not opening any database I get 50% CPU (on dual core).
Minimize A2007, CPU usage drops. Open Access options, cpu usage drops, just
as indicated in post.
My problem started immediately after I entered the following line in a
Text Box Control Source line on the Property Sheet:
= SELECT tbl1.field1 FROM tbl1 WHERE tbl2.SomeField = tbl1.SomeField

CPU usage went up then. Closed A2007, started A2007, CPU usage is still
50%. Rebooted, started A2007, cup usage still at 50%. Disconnected from
network, turned symantec AV off, restarted A2007, cup usage still 50%.
Yes, I know it sounds dumb, syntax is probably wrong, but that is when the
problem started.


What version of Windows?

If you leave it 15 minutes, is it still the same?

Do you have MS Auto-update for Windows/Office turned on?

XP Pro SP2
ThinkPad T61p, Intel Core Duo 2.1 GHz
2 GB Ram

I left it overnight with sleep off, next morning still 50% CPU

I'm not exactly sure what MS Auto-update for Windows/Office is, bu I do have
Windows Update turned on to automatically notify me of updates. I don't use
the Microsoft Update feature, only Windows Update.

I just turned Windows Update off, and still have constant 50% CPU usage.

Thanks for any suggestions you might have.

Rick Brandt

geikelite said:
I just turned Windows Update off, and still have constant 50% CPU

How much CPU usage would you like to see? How do you know that what you see
now is a problem? Do you have problems running other apps?

CPU usage can have different priorities within programs. How much a
particular program uses does not directly correlate to how much CPU is
available to do other things.


Rick Brandt said:
How much CPU usage would you like to see? How do you know that what you
see now is a problem? Do you have problems running other apps?

I'd like to see the same amount of CPU usage that I was seeing before this
problem started, which when Access is sitting idle without even having a
database open was approximately <1% CPU (as opposed to 50% CPU now, which on
a single-core machine would read approximately 100%). Or, on my other
computer running Access 2003, is < 1%.

While searching the internet for this problem, I see that back in Access 97
days, this was a commonly reported problem, but all posts I see say this
problem was fixed in Access 2000.

If this 100% core use by Access is normal, why doesn't Microsoft just say
so? I don't think it is, and hence think I have a problem somewhere. As soon
as the problem started, I started to see a very noticeable lag-time when
switching between tab sheets on a Form, and when resizing the Access
Property Sheet window.


Rick Brandt

geikelite said:
I'd like to see the same amount of CPU usage that I was seeing before
this problem started, which when Access is sitting idle without even
having a database open was approximately <1% CPU (as opposed to 50%
CPU now, which on a single-core machine would read approximately
100%). Or, on my other computer running Access 2003, is < 1%.

While searching the internet for this problem, I see that back in
Access 97 days, this was a commonly reported problem, but all posts I
see say this problem was fixed in Access 2000.

But in Access 97 the CPU utilization you are talking about was a low
priority thread that surrendered the processor whenever any other process
needed so it was never a problem (other than superficially).
If this 100% core use by Access is normal, why doesn't Microsoft just
say so? I don't think it is, and hence think I have a problem
somewhere. As soon as the problem started, I started to see a very
noticeable lag-time when switching between tab sheets on a Form, and
when resizing the Access Property Sheet window.

Okay, something running slower suggests there might be an actual problem.
Up to now your only complaint was the processor usage *number* and I have no
idea if that number is unusual as I have never looked or concerned myself
with that metric.

All I can say is that I don't recall this being an issue that's been brought
up before in these groups.

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