Access 2007: Digital signatures are lost in ADE files



Last April 26th I posted in with the same
subject: Access 2007: Digital signature is lost when you create ADE files. I
have not received any response there (maybe there is no explanation, maybe
that forum is not active enough) so I repost the same here (I hope it would
have a wider audience here, and maybe a reply appear).

---Original post follows---

We have been using digital signatures for years (Office 2003) to deploy MS
Access complied project files (.ADE) to avoid users to accept security
warnings every time they opened the application.

Now we are using Office 2007 and whenever we create ADE files (with signed
VB code), we receive (in Access status bar, on the bottom) the following
warning (maybe the warning is not exactly as this, since it is a self-made
translation from Spanish):

"The changes made to the databes or project had invalidated the linked
digital signature"

"Las modificaciones realizadas en la base de datos o proyecto han invalidado
la firma digital asociada." (this is the original warning).

After that, when any user tries to open the created ADE file, they receive
the usual warning as if the file had no digital signature at all:

Microsoft Office Access Security Notice

A potential security concern has been identified.

Warning: it is not possible to determine that this content came from a
trustworthy source. You should leave this content disabled unless the
content provides critical functionality and you trust its source.

That dialog confirms that the original warning shown in the status bar was
right. The signature is lost when you compile the ADP into an ADE file.

I have checked that this happens when creating a brand new database project:
* Create a new database project (ADP) and connect it to any SQL Server /
Northwind you have at hand
* Create a form with a single button in it and use the following code:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub Command0_Click()
MsgBox ("this is a test")
End Sub
* Sign the code: Tools -> Digital signatures...
* Create ADE
* Try to open the ADE you created before

Can this be classified as a bug or a feature? Is there any place to submit
feedbacks for Access 2007?

Thanks in advance.

---Original post ends---

During the meantime I have been working on this issue and I can now add
another odd behaviour: Digital signatures are also lost whenever you 'compact
and repair' an ADP file that is 'compactable' (i.e. VB code or forms have
been modified and saved several times since the last 'compact and repair').

It does not matter that there are alternative ways to prevent the security
warnings from appearing (i.e. Trust Center). I think this is a real bug that
prevents anyone that owns a Digital Certificate from signing and distributing
code (without distributing the code, i.e. ADE files) the way we were used to
do with Access 2003.

I hope staff at MS solve it better sooner than later. I'm also willing to
hear from your experiences on this field.

This post is a suggestion for Microsoft, and Microsoft responds to the
suggestions with the most votes. To vote for this suggestion, click the "I
Agree" button in the message pane. If you do not see the button, follow this
link to open the suggestion in the Microsoft Web-based Newsreader and then
click "I Agree" in the message pane.

Larry Linson

A few comments:

Although the online user interface may mislead you, these newsgroups are not
officially monitored by Microsoft personnel -- even though some Microsoft
employees occasionally do answer questions here on a volunteer basis. I
preseume that the "suggestions" are somehow handled separately from the

The people who answer questions here are all volunteers, even the ones who
are Microsoft MVPs (for information about the MVP program, see

Few of the Microsoft MVPs moved "wholeheartedly" to ADP; most of the
strongest ADP advocates were from other backgrounds with an emphasis on
server databases. So, you will find less help available here on that
subject than on MDB or the Access 2007 ACCDB. One common reason there was
not a significant movement to ADP was that many companies (in my case, many
of my clients) had corporate standard server databases other than Microsoft
SQL Server -- those worked very nicely with MDB and ODBC because almost
every server DB is ODBC-compliant; but ADP only works with MS SQL Server.

A useful Technet article, "Migration considerations for Access 2007" can be
found at
However, as far as I can determine, it does not deal with your question.

I am sorry that I do not have an answer for your question, but I did not
want you to think that you were just being ignored.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

Susie Johnson


I disagree

ADP have been extremely popular-- but the real SQL developers don't hang
around here-- they graduate to the real SqlSever newsgroups.

And for the record, most companies use SQL Server, stop living in a

For christ sakes-- SQL Server is an optional component that is included on
the office CD.

stick a fork in it wuss-boy

Susie Johnson


'few of the mvps embraced ADP because they're stuck in the 90s'

ADP is 100 times simpler, no connection strings-- no DAO-- just simple SQL

btw, chickshit-- go to and find a single vendor other
than SQL Server that is RELEVENT.

Because Analysis Services ships with SQL Server (and it is 10,000 times
faster than anythnig that Oracle or IBM sells) the market share for
Microsoft is a LOT bigger than you think.

Access MDb has been obsolete for a decade.



David W. Fenton

So, do actually have any constructive suggestions for solving the
problem? If you really are such an expert on ADPs, surely you know
how to solve this problem with digital signatures.

But you *don't* know anything about ADPs, or anything at all, and
that's why you repeatedly post misleading and factuatlly *wrong*

IRS Intern

I don't use digital signatures; and I sure don't use Access 2007 until
the runtime comes out!

IRS Intern


for the record-- I never post misleading information
you guys do that

you preach worthless workarounds-- and you don't respect the
boundaries of ADP.
You constantly claim crap like 'its not included in 2007' even though
that is a blatant LIE.

nobody should need to .CLOSE and SET RST = NOTHING

you guys should not accept mediocrity

and backtracking to DAO?


IRS Intern

I mean seriously why in the hell would I use digital signature?

just because MS prompts us 4 times when we open a file?


Excel is a bigger threat; I don't understand why MS cripples Access
but not Excel...

Larry Linson

One of my colleagues suggested that a better place to ask would be the
newsgroup: microsoft.public.access.adp.sqlserver. That makes good sense to
me, because people participating there will have a serious interest in the
ADP / ADE Access Projects.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

David W. Fenton

One of my colleagues suggested that a better place to ask would be
the newsgroup: microsoft.public.access.adp.sqlserver. That makes
good sense to me, because people participating there will have a
serious interest in the ADP / ADE Access Projects.

Well, that would make sense theoretically, but there's no signficant
activity in that newsgroup.

IRS Intern


there is a lot of posting on that channel.. but more importantly; SQL
Server has 100 other channels also

microsoft.public.sqlserver for example

this is jsut one of the benefits of using a 'real database' with
'mainstream syntax'

IRS Intern

I don't want to sound dumb.. but you paid for a digital certificate?
Is it similiar to an SSL certificate?

I know that there are SELFCERT certificates; and I also know that you
can have your domains 'certificate server' generate certificates for
corporate usage

i mean-- if it belongs to a domain can't you just use your local cert
server instead of buying one?

I just think that it's a shame that Access gets prompted 3 times you
open anything..

and Excel doesnt

and Excel is a MUCH MUCH MUCH greater security risk

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