Access 2007 Error 2614 - User level Security


Uncle Buck

I am a relatively experienced Access developer, but I am trying something I
have not tried for several versions.

I have a main form (frmMainMenu), with a listbox (lstMenu) presenting
available Forms on the left, and an empty subform control on the right

By dbl-Clicking on a form in the listbox, my intent is to have the
appropriate form open in the subform control.
Me.Controls("sfrmMain").SourceObject = strChoice where strChoice is the name
of the form I want inserted.

Of course, with administrative privelages it works great, but once I start
to reduce user privelages, and testing under those accounts I get the
following message:

Run-time error '2614' You don't have permission to insert this form into
another form.

Any suggestions or resolutions?

Thanx in advance

Uncle Buck

My apologies, I figured it out on my own like I usually do, which is why I
rarely post.

To make this work, the 'Read Design' flag must be set for the user on the
form being inserted, which I should have known. I thought it may have been
permissions on frmMainMenu. I also wondered if it was changes in 2007 that I
was not aware of.

Thanx, and hopefully if some else else runs into this issue, this post may

Uncle Buck

Hi Joan, thanx for the post. As it turned out, it is read permission on the
form going into the subform control. Originally I had set the Modify
permission on the frmMainMenu & it did nothing, which confounded me &
prompted the post.

Thanx for your suggestion though.

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