Access 2007 multi-select list box problem


Eric Heinold


I have a list box that in an Access 2007 form that is set as multiselect.
When users are selecting or deselecting values, sometimes a random number of
rows in the list box will be inverted, so that values that are highlighted
are not in the ItemsSelected collection, and vice versa. This would be for
some or all of the values. We have been using the list box this way since
Access 97 and have never had any problems, so I believe it to be a problem
in Access 2007. The only way to get the values back to normal is to close
and reopen the form, that I have found.

Has anyone ever seen this, and if so, is there a workaround we can use to at
least reset the box without opening and closing the form?


Eric Heinold

Allen Browne

Is the Multi-Select set to Simple or Extended?
Does changing it make any difference to the problem?

Any chance that the computer is confused about the state of a Ctrl or Shift
key when the problem occurs?

Do you have any code/macro running in the events of the list box or the form
(e.g. timer) that could be affecting this?

Eric Heinold


It is currently set to Simple, I had not tried changing, so I don't know if
that makes a difference. I will test that and see if it makes any
difference. However, long term, I don't think this is something in the
interface that I want to change, the box really needs to be a Simple

I thought of the computer being confused about the state of Ctrl and Shift,
but when testing I don't know how it could be. The ctrl and shift keys had
not been pressed for quite some time when this happened and it happens
fairly quickly every time we change the values in that list box.

There is nothing running in the Timer, there is code that runs after a value
is selected or deselected, but it's the same code that has been running for
years (before Access 2007) without causing any problem.

Allen Browne

So there is something in the list box's Click(?) event? Try temporarily
commenting that out, to test if it contributes to the problem.

Also, try setting Column Headings to No (if it's Yes.)

Eric Heinold

I am having trouble getting access to a computer for testing, so I have not
tested the simple vs extended multi-select yet.

Just wanted to update that there is nothing in the Click event - we use
AfterUpdate instead, and the Column Headings are already set to No. When I
get a chance again, I will try commenting out the after update code and see
if that helps.

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