Am new at Access. Been studying books on Access 2007 and tables I've created
are not efficient. Have feeling am going about it the wrong way.
Currently have database in Excel 07 spreadsheet w/ these headings:
Empl#, LastName, FirstName, Date Hired, Project Leader (PL), Jobsite,
Apprentice Level, Previous Rate ($), Current Rate ($), Date of Raise,
Apprentice School Start Date, End Date, Comments.
This is a list of construction workers in diff jobsites. Each PL handles 2
to 3 jobsites. Some workers move from 1 site to another (therefore, at times
from 1 PL to another). In Excel, have 1 worksheet as Master List (includes
all workers) and broken down into separate worksheets for each PL. It was
getting tedious in Excel moving some workers from one PL's list to another &
also updating any changes of an employee file in Master List as well as the
PL list for that employee. Reports are printed for each PL to study at their
meeting each Monday.
Need advice on how to breakdown this spreadsheet into smaller tables and
need to create a 1 to 1 relationship so that any change in an employee file
is automatically changed in other files where he/she is located. Empl# is
Thank you.... Bob76
are not efficient. Have feeling am going about it the wrong way.
Currently have database in Excel 07 spreadsheet w/ these headings:
Empl#, LastName, FirstName, Date Hired, Project Leader (PL), Jobsite,
Apprentice Level, Previous Rate ($), Current Rate ($), Date of Raise,
Apprentice School Start Date, End Date, Comments.
This is a list of construction workers in diff jobsites. Each PL handles 2
to 3 jobsites. Some workers move from 1 site to another (therefore, at times
from 1 PL to another). In Excel, have 1 worksheet as Master List (includes
all workers) and broken down into separate worksheets for each PL. It was
getting tedious in Excel moving some workers from one PL's list to another &
also updating any changes of an employee file in Master List as well as the
PL list for that employee. Reports are printed for each PL to study at their
meeting each Monday.
Need advice on how to breakdown this spreadsheet into smaller tables and
need to create a 1 to 1 relationship so that any change in an employee file
is automatically changed in other files where he/she is located. Empl# is
Thank you.... Bob76