access 2007 public property get



I am having a problem between access 2007 and 2003. In vbcode I set up a
property "bla" using Public Property Get and Public Property Let. I have a
text box that has its control source as the property "bla". In 2003 every
thing works ok but in 2007 the text box cannot seem to read the property.
Here is the control source for the text box:


And here is the vbcode:

Option Compare Database

Dim vName As String

Public Property Let bla(iName As String)
vName = iName
End Property

Public Property Get bla() As String
If vName = "" Then
bla = "bill"
Exit Property
End If
bla = vName
End Property

Private Sub Command0_Click()
bla = "george"
End Sub

Is there something else I have to do to get 2007 to be able to read this
property directly into a text box?

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