Access 2007 - Security Warning



Okay, typical question - opening any DB in Access 2007 yields the
Security Warning for potentially harmful content, and I have to enable
content every single time.

Researching the issue, the solution isn't dissimilar from similar
problems in Excel - go into the VBA editor, and sign the file with a digital
signature. However, when I do this, Access throws up an error message -
apparently, this solution doesn't work for ACCDB files. According to the
message, signing an Access 2007 file has to be done through the Publish /
Package & Sign option.

Of course, that option isn't intended to sign files that are still in
active use. It's intended to work with files you're giving someone else.
How does that help?!?

So, other than turning off the warning completely - which I do NOT want
to do, how can I disable this warning permanently for a specific file that
is still in active use?


You need to add the source file top your list of trusted locations.

I haven't been on A2007 in a while, so the following may be a
little off, but if I remember correctly you go to Office Button/
Access Options/Trust Center and then you add the folder to
the Trusted Locations list.


Unfortunately, that's not a good solution - as I said, I don't want to
make any sweeping changes. I want to be able to control this on a file by
file basis only.

AccessVandal via

I don’t recall that it is possible by individual file.

What’s wrong by telling users to put this file into the Trusted Location of
their folder?

See here on how to enable macros without trust location.

Unfortunately, that's not a good solution - as I said, I don't want to
make any sweeping changes. I want to be able to control this on a file by
file basis only.
You need to add the source file top your list of trusted locations.
[quoted text clipped - 24 lines]


AccessVandal via said:
I don't recall that it is possible by individual file.

What's wrong by telling users to put this file into the Trusted Location
their folder?

The problem is that many users will take a DB they obtained and move it
where they normally keep all their DB files before opening it. So, it would
be very easy for them to open an unsafe DB from a trusted folder. This is
poor design.

See here on how to enable macros without trust location.

I didn't see anything useful there, unfortunately.

AccessVandal via

I don’t think you understood what is Trusted Location.

Trusted Location does not prevent malicious codes from running. If you want
to open an untrusted DB, you put them in the untrusted folders. This will
prevent the code from running and it is in this folder you must open the DB
to check for malicious codes. If there aren’t any, than you can safely put
them in the Trusted Locations.


I understand it perfectly fine. I was explaining that users cannot be
trusted to follow this procedure, which makes it a weak protection.

I wanted a solution that could be executed on a file by file basis - not
something overreaching, such as proclaiming that everything in a given
directory was safe.

AccessVandal via

Well, that’s good.

I don’t think that’s just the problem with Access, any file types downloaded
or given by someone containing malicious code can cause damage.

In the Access options, the users can just simply turn off macro warnings. So
in the end, it’s not going to make any difference.

If the users are not going to practices safe computing, there’s nothing you
can do.

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