Access 2007, Using A Datasheet Column to Query Another Table



I have two tables that are used as the source for lookups in a third table,
one called Process Group and one that is called Knowledge Area. The third
table, from which lookups are performed is called Metadata.
Each Process Group row has one or more Knowledge Area rows.
Each table has a primary key. The Knowledge Area table has a foreign key to
the primary key in the Process Group Table.
I can lookup Process Groups and Knowledge Areas independently.
When populating the columns in the Metadata datasheet view, I'd like to
select a row in the Process Group and then see only the Knowledge Areas for
that Process Group in the Knowledge Area (some sort of filter).
I'm wondering what the actual field names are for each column in a row when
in the datasheet view and then use that field name to compare for Knowledge
Areas specific to that Process Group.
Table structures look like this.
LL_Process_Groups_Lookup table

LL_Knowledge_Area_Lookup table

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