Access 2007 Windows 7 SaveAsPDF Woes




I have just taken the plunge and upgraded to Window7 64bit

Spent about 5 hours trying to get SaveAsPDF to work
when I found blog warning that this is incompatible with
the new operating system. Why doesn't MS tell us this.

Is there any way I can get this to work without the double
handling of RTF doc to PDF


Albert D. Kallal

wrote in message
Is there any way I can get this to work without the double
handling of RTF doc to PDF

I not aware that PDF does not work on 64 bit OS.

Such a setup should work just fine.

To output a report as pdf, you can use:

strRpt = "customers"
DoCmd.OpenReport strRpt, acViewPreview

strFileName = "c:\savedpdf\test.pdf"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, strRpt, acFormatPDF, strFileName

So, I not sure what you mean by save-as pdf?, but the report ribbon should
give you this option. (print preview as opposed to report preview).

And for 2007, or 2010, you don't use some type of pdf printer, this ability
built into the product.

You might want to expand further on this.

Do keep in mind that the PDF ability for 2007 will only be available if you
have the latest service pack for office 2007 installed.
You can also download the pdf option separate if Office not been updated to
the latest SP.


Thanks Albert

SaveAsPDF was a little add-on for Office 2007 back in 2007 before the
service packs.

I have updated with the latest service pack as you recommended and the
PDF converter is now there.

Best Regards

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