Access 2K CurrentProject.Connection

  • Thread starter Stephen Knapp, NE Ohio
  • Start date

Stephen Knapp, NE Ohio

A number of posts complain about receiving the message "run-time
error'-2147024769 (8007007f) Method'Connection' of object'_ 'Current Project'
failed" when attempting to open a new connection to the current project's
database. One respondent suggested checking permissions, presuming that the
database files (possibly a back-end) is on a server location. My database is
local and not split. My routines ran under Windows 2000 Pro but get the
aforementioned error now running under XP Home. I haven't checked (yet) for
service packs but will do so. Attempts to use ".OpenConnection" returns a
message indicating that the connection is closed or doesn't exist. I printed
excerpts from the Knowledge Database and am digesting that information but
anyone's suggestions will be warmly received.

Dirk Goldgar

"Stephen Knapp, NE Ohio" <Stephen Knapp, NE
(e-mail address removed)> wrote in message
A number of posts complain about receiving the message "run-time
error'-2147024769 (8007007f) Method'Connection' of object'_ 'Current
Project' failed" when attempting to open a new connection to the
current project's database. One respondent suggested checking
permissions, presuming that the database files (possibly a back-end)
is on a server location. My database is local and not split. My
routines ran under Windows 2000 Pro but get the aforementioned error
now running under XP Home. I haven't checked (yet) for service packs
but will do so. Attempts to use ".OpenConnection" returns a message
indicating that the connection is closed or doesn't exist. I printed
excerpts from the Knowledge Database and am digesting that
information but anyone's suggestions will be warmly received.

I don't have a clue at the moment, but maybe if you post the exact code
you're using, along with the exact error message you get, and indicate
which line is raising the error, something will catch my eye.

Stephen Knapp


Errant code reads:

Dim CNN as ADODB.Recordset
Set CNN = New ADODB.Recordset
CNN.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

and the error, as noted, occurs on execution. Research indicates that
MDAC 2.7 SP1 (which is on my machine) is minus Jet OLEDB DLLs. I have Jet
SP8 via the security patch and reloaded MDAC 2.7 SP1 (the Component Checker
indicates that all is well). I'm running XP Home SP1 with chunks of various
security patches that I brought in along the way. My code, by the way,
executes just fine with MDAC 2.5 SP1 on my machine at the office, running
Windows 2000 Pro. My personal machine also has VB.NET installed.
A co-worker has XP Pro installed at home and my code runs on her
machine. She is running the Component Checker this evening (11/8/04) and
I'm hoping that her MDAC version will give me further clues.
P.S. You stated that I should respond to the newsgroup, but I don't
know how to do that.

Dirk Goldgar

Stephen Knapp said:

Errant code reads:

Dim CNN as ADODB.Recordset
Set CNN = New ADODB.Recordset
CNN.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

and the error, as noted, occurs on execution. Research
indicates that MDAC 2.7 SP1 (which is on my machine) is minus Jet
OLEDB DLLs. I have Jet SP8 via the security patch and reloaded MDAC
2.7 SP1 (the Component Checker indicates that all is well). I'm
running XP Home SP1 with chunks of various security patches that I
brought in along the way. My code, by the way, executes just fine
with MDAC 2.5 SP1 on my machine at the office, running Windows 2000
Pro. My personal machine also has VB.NET installed. A co-worker
has XP Pro installed at home and my code runs on her
machine. She is running the Component Checker this evening (11/8/04)
and I'm hoping that her MDAC version will give me further clues.

Alas, this is not my area of expertise. Does it make any difference if
instead of ...
CNN.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection

.... you write

Set CNN.ActiveConnection = CurrentProject.Connection


I think they should both work, though in slightly different ways
internally, but any difference in the result might be informative.
P.S. You stated that I should respond to the newsgroup, but I
don't know how to do that.

You have, obviously.

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