Stephen Knapp, NE Ohio
A number of posts complain about receiving the message "run-time
error'-2147024769 (8007007f) Method'Connection' of object'_ 'Current Project'
failed" when attempting to open a new connection to the current project's
database. One respondent suggested checking permissions, presuming that the
database files (possibly a back-end) is on a server location. My database is
local and not split. My routines ran under Windows 2000 Pro but get the
aforementioned error now running under XP Home. I haven't checked (yet) for
service packs but will do so. Attempts to use ".OpenConnection" returns a
message indicating that the connection is closed or doesn't exist. I printed
excerpts from the Knowledge Database and am digesting that information but
anyone's suggestions will be warmly received.
error'-2147024769 (8007007f) Method'Connection' of object'_ 'Current Project'
failed" when attempting to open a new connection to the current project's
database. One respondent suggested checking permissions, presuming that the
database files (possibly a back-end) is on a server location. My database is
local and not split. My routines ran under Windows 2000 Pro but get the
aforementioned error now running under XP Home. I haven't checked (yet) for
service packs but will do so. Attempts to use ".OpenConnection" returns a
message indicating that the connection is closed or doesn't exist. I printed
excerpts from the Knowledge Database and am digesting that information but
anyone's suggestions will be warmly received.