Access 97-2003 Disable Mouse Scroll


Abe Katz

Can you please tell me an easy and simple way, how to disable the mouse

Linq Adams via

Stephen's beautiful hack, at the link Doug gave, you is really the gold
standard for handling this problem. Here's a quick step-by-step for using it

First, download and unzip the db and take a look. Go into your db and goto

File > External Data > Import

and import the module


from the sample database. Next make sure you have the included file,

in the same folder your database resides in. The following code needs to run
before the mousewheel will be locked:

Private Sub Form_Load()
'Turn off Mouse Scroll
blRet = MouseWheelOFF
End Sub

If you have one form that always loads first in your db, place the code there.
If the first form to load varies, place the same code in each form.

You should be set now.

Good luck!.


That worked great for me. I only needed one screen to not allow scrollling.
So on load MouseWhellOFF and on close MouseWheelON. I'm going to use this
all the time now. Thanks!

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