Dan McFall
Access 97 form
Is it possible to suppress the annoying "Importing" msgbox popup when a
record change is made on a form containing an image?
By the time the msgbox displays, the image has already been imported and the
msgbox closes. The result is a brief annoying flash as you click through the
Currently, the image keys off of a database text field named [myPic] and the
update fires from form_Current event
Private Sub Form_Current()
On Error GoTo Bad:
If ([myPic] <> "") Then
imgPic.Picture = [myPic]
End If
Exit Sub
imgPic.Picture = ""
Resume Next
End Sub
Dan McFall
Omega Design
Is it possible to suppress the annoying "Importing" msgbox popup when a
record change is made on a form containing an image?
By the time the msgbox displays, the image has already been imported and the
msgbox closes. The result is a brief annoying flash as you click through the
Currently, the image keys off of a database text field named [myPic] and the
update fires from form_Current event
Private Sub Form_Current()
On Error GoTo Bad:
If ([myPic] <> "") Then
imgPic.Picture = [myPic]
End If
Exit Sub
imgPic.Picture = ""
Resume Next
End Sub
Dan McFall
Omega Design