High-level security of company and personal information can be
expensive. But most good basic security principles are very
inexpensive, and are quite effective for everything but the determined
professional hacker. The first rule, however, is to make sure that
your internal practices include treating employees well. Disgruntled
employees account for more company data theft than any other source.
Secondly, make sure that good long passphrases are in effect for
logins. A good passphrase is more than 20 characters with upper case,
lower case, numeric, and special characters.
marY had 20 LAMBS 4 sale @ $27 each
is a great passphrase, and almost impossible to crack in less than
months, even by a determined hacker. It's easy to remember as well..
Third encrypt everything that's sensitive and not in active use. Make
sure that you encrypt anything that resides on a laptop, or any
removable media. TrueCrypt is a free program that's highly effective,
easy to use. What's not to like!