Matthew Janiak
I have an Access 97 database that I am trying to build a communication
feature in. We use Lotus Note Version 5 (Yes, we use a lot of old software
). I want to be able to send emails using Lotus Notes to advise users of
issues we are tracking in the database.
Thanks to a lot of groups.google.com research, I have most of my issues
worked out. Using the code found on the following site (Thank you!!!):
I have created an interface that sends the emails without any problems.
What I have noticed is that I don't seem to get all of my undleliverable
mail results. If I enter one incorrect internal address, the program will
abort and tell me I have an incorrect address. If I enter an incorrect email
address (internal or external) as part of a list (I am sending to 4 people,
say), as long as the first one is correct, the email will send. All correct
email recipients will get their message. However, the incorrect recipeint's
address is never flagged and I never get the customary "undeliverable"
return email-- like I would when I send it manually.
I am trying to send to mjaniak, mjaniak1, mjaniak2
Entry 1: mjaniak, mjaniak1, mjaniak2 sent through Access-- all mail is
delivered properly
Entry 2: mjaniaM, mjaniak1, mjaniak2 sent through Access-- the program stops
and tells me that the address is not found in the Lotus Notes directory
Entry 3: mjaniak,mjaniaM1,mjaniak2 sent manually-- mjaniak and mjaniak2 get
the message fine. I get an immediate return indicating that mjaniM1 is not
a valid email address.
Entry 4: mjaniak,mjaniaM1, mjaniak2 sent through Access-- mjaniak and
mjaniak2 get their message fine. I do not receive any indication that
mjaniak2 never got their message.
I figure this has got to be a flag somewhere. Does anyone have any ideas?
Has anyone else run into this before?
I have an Access 97 database that I am trying to build a communication
feature in. We use Lotus Note Version 5 (Yes, we use a lot of old software
issues we are tracking in the database.
Thanks to a lot of groups.google.com research, I have most of my issues
worked out. Using the code found on the following site (Thank you!!!):
I have created an interface that sends the emails without any problems.
What I have noticed is that I don't seem to get all of my undleliverable
mail results. If I enter one incorrect internal address, the program will
abort and tell me I have an incorrect address. If I enter an incorrect email
address (internal or external) as part of a list (I am sending to 4 people,
say), as long as the first one is correct, the email will send. All correct
email recipients will get their message. However, the incorrect recipeint's
address is never flagged and I never get the customary "undeliverable"
return email-- like I would when I send it manually.
I am trying to send to mjaniak, mjaniak1, mjaniak2
Entry 1: mjaniak, mjaniak1, mjaniak2 sent through Access-- all mail is
delivered properly
Entry 2: mjaniaM, mjaniak1, mjaniak2 sent through Access-- the program stops
and tells me that the address is not found in the Lotus Notes directory
Entry 3: mjaniak,mjaniaM1,mjaniak2 sent manually-- mjaniak and mjaniak2 get
the message fine. I get an immediate return indicating that mjaniM1 is not
a valid email address.
Entry 4: mjaniak,mjaniaM1, mjaniak2 sent through Access-- mjaniak and
mjaniak2 get their message fine. I do not receive any indication that
mjaniak2 never got their message.
I figure this has got to be a flag somewhere. Does anyone have any ideas?
Has anyone else run into this before?