Thanks for the input. It appears as if Speed Ferret will
accomplish what I need to do in a less time consuming
manner, however at $190 it is too cost prohibitive.
As far as "detail" is concerned, let me first state that I
have named my Queries in a descriptive manner so that I
can go back to them later without a lot of head scratching
later on. The problamatic subform Record Source currently
contains three tables and six queries based on
computations from data contained in other subforms
(hopefully with more to come). With each Query name being
up to 40 characters in length, it quickly adds up.
My "aim" for the database is to track my children's school
grades based on the progress reports that they get
periodically. The reports that they get from their
teachers contain grade information on their individual
class assignments summed up to an overall class grade but
lack the "weighting" information of each assignment.
Perhaps I still have the "Excel" number crunching
mentality with all the queries.
The database that I have created is based on the "Student
and Classes" database provided with Access 97. Lacking the
programming efficiency that will come in time, I used the
logic of the sample database and built upon that.
The "limited" SQL stement is as follows;
SELECT Assignments.*, [SubAssignments MaxPoint
Query].AssignmentMaximumPoints, [SubAssignments MaxPoint
Query].StudentID, [SubAssignments Missing
Query].MissingFlag, [SubAssignments Score
Query].AssignmentScore, [Assignment Grade Calculation
Query].AssignmentGrade, [Assignments % of Class Grade
Earned Query].[%ofClassGradeEarned], [Assignments Max
Class Grade Query].AssignmentMaxClassGrade FROM
(((([Students And Classes] INNER JOIN ((Assignments INNER
JOIN [Assignment Grade Calculation Query] ON
Assignments.AssignmentID = [Assignment Grade Calculation
Query].AssignmentID) INNER JOIN (Classes INNER JOIN
[SubAssignments MaxPoint Query] ON Classes.ClassID =
[SubAssignments MaxPoint Query].ClassID) ON
(Classes.ClassID = Assignments.ClassID) AND
(Assignments.AssignmentID = [SubAssignments MaxPoint
Query].AssignmentID)) ON (Classes.ClassID = [Students And
Classes].ClassID) AND ([Students And
Classes].StudentClassID = [SubAssignments MaxPoint
Query].StudentClassID)) INNER JOIN [SubAssignments Score
Query] ON ([Assignment Grade Calculation Query].StudentID
= [SubAssignments Score Query].StudentID) AND
([SubAssignments MaxPoint Query].StudentID =
[SubAssignments Score Query].StudentID) AND
(Assignments.AssignmentID = [SubAssignments Score
Query].AssignmentID) AND ([Students And
Classes].StudentClassID = [SubAssignments Score
Query].StudentClassID)) INNER JOIN [Assignments % of Class
Grade Earned Query] ON (Assignments.AssignmentID =
[Assignments % of Class Grade Earned Query].AssignmentID)
AND ([SubAssignments Score Query].StudentID = [Assignments
% of Class Grade Earned Query].StudentID)) INNER JOIN
[Assignments Max Class Grade Query] ON ([Assignments % of
Class Grade Earned Query].StudentID = [Assignments Max
Class Grade Query].StudentID) AND
(Assignments.AssignmentID = [Assignments Max Class Grade
Query].AssignmentID)) INNER JOIN [SubAssignments Missing
Query] ON (Assignments.AssignmentID = [SubAssignments
Missing Query].AssignmentID) AND ([Assignments Max Class
Grade Query].StudentID = [SubAssignments Missing Query].S
Pretty long isnt it?
So the question remains.......Is the SQL statement limited
to 2048 characters as opposed to the 64K advertised?
-----Original Message-----
In my years of programming, I've never needed a query remotely near that
long -
perhaps there's another way to accomplish your aim?
More detail would be welcome.
Should you, however, find yourself truly needing to find and replace all
references to a query name, I'd recommend the third-party product Speed
- Turtle