Access 97 to 2002



I am in a multi-user environment and just converted our
database from 97 to 2002. Now I find that I can not edit
forms, reports, etc while others are in it. The Mircosoft
Knowledge base says you can't change that. Is that really
true? Being a 24 hour center, there is never a time when
no one is using it. Any ideas would be appreciated.

Cheryl Fischer

This is true.

A "better practice" would be to do your modifications and testing on a copy
of the database maintained on your own computer; and when testing is
completed, export the modified objects to the database.

There may, however, be some occasions when you will need exclusive access to
the Production database. You would need to define a "window of
opportunity" for making this type of change that everyone (if not everyone,
your management) can agree would have minimum impact on operations. Even
the most robust client-server applications have to be "taken down" from time
to time for mods, and this should be considered a normal part of the


I saw that on the Knowledge base as well. Unfortunately
that is a major step backward. Asking, or forcing, 100+
users out every time I need to make an update to a
switchboard or report isn't really a practical option.
Very frustrating indeed.

Chris Mills

No-one in their right mind should make programming changes to a program whilst
it is being used live, Tom. *ANY PROGRAM* That is why Microsoft Access is
designed to be used as a Front End/Back End system, with multiple front ends.

Only design changes to tables/data would need exclusive access, if it was
implemented as intended.

(it is true that A97 let you get away with murder, but it also corrupts the
compiled module regularly)

Access is a desktop system. It's capable of quite high usage if implemented
properly. A separate front end for each user, even in Terminal Server.

Where are your program backups if you modify a live program live?


Cheryl Fischer

Frustrating? Yes, and inconvenient as well. However, so is leaving your
car with the mechanic rather than having him fix it while you are driving it
at 70 mph down the interstate.

You appear to have in operation what could be described as a
"mission-critical" application. Upgrades (and maintenance) to these types
of systems are rarely, if ever, done "on the fly" but according to a clearly
defined schedule.

Cheryl Fischer

(plus: I thought your speed limit was 50 :)) )

Not this year. <G> Houston has a number of sets of speed limit signs with
varying numbers; we change 'em to lower numbers whenever the Federal Highway
Dept threatens to take away money!


Modifying the table I can see. But something as minor as
adding a field to or altering a calculation in a report
could be equated to a passenger changing a station on the
radio; to borrow from your examples. If child proof locks
are needed, I can install them myself. In my mind,
Microsoft should allow us that option, at least.


Modifying the table I can see. But something as minor as
adding a field to or altering a calculation in a report
could be equated to a passenger changing a station on the
radio; to borrow from your examples. If child proof locks
are needed, I can install them myself. In my mind,
Microsoft should allow us that option, at least.

Tony Toews

tom said:
I saw that on the Knowledge base as well. Unfortunately
that is a major step backward. Asking, or forcing, 100+
users out every time I need to make an update to a
switchboard or report isn't really a practical option.

I specifically created the Auto FE Updater utility so that I could
make changes to the FE MDE as often as I wanted and be quite confident
that the next time someone went to run the app that it would pull in
the latest version. For more info on the errors or the utillity see
the free Auto FE Updater utility at at my website to keep the
FE on each PC up to date.

In a Terminal Server or Citrix environment the Auto FE Updater now
supports creating a directory named after the user on a server. Given
a choice put the FE on the Citrix server to reduce network traffic and
to avoid having to load objects over the network which can be somewhat


Tony Toews, Microsoft Access MVP
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