Access 97, unbound form, ODBC query criteria


Mr B

Hi I was wondering if somebody could help with this rather awkward

I am using Access 97 and am basically trying to use 2 date values
entered into two text boxes on an unbound form, as query criteria. The
query I am using is trying to extract the data, from a DB2 database,
which falls between 2 certain dates. I have tried more or less
everything I can think of to try to get this to work but it is having
none of it!! When two values are entered into the text boxes I have a
run query macro that runs the query. I get an ODBC call failed message
when I do this.

I have tried using date variables but the call returns no rows, I have
tried changing the format of the date in the SQL query to mm-dd-yyyy to
no avail.

Does anyone have any ideas???

Many thanks


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