access 97



when trying to run reports on the database i get error
<run-time error 94 :invalid use of null>. I don't know
much about access but i am willing to learn. Is there
anyone who could tell me what i should do please. thank

John Nurick

Hi Jim,

This error can occur when field values are being used in expressions or
functions, when a record contains Null in a particular field and the
expression or function is expecting (say) a text or a numeric value.

Usually it's quite simple to overcome once you've found where it's
happening. Typically one uses the Nz() function to convert any Null into
something else (e.g. Nz([FieldName], "") on a text field will convert
Nulls into empty strings). But it can be hard to discover just where the
problem is hitting.

If the reports are based on queries, will the queries run without
provoking this message? If not, the problem is probably in the queries.
Check out all the calculated fields and expressions in the queries.

If the queries run OK, check the expressions in the controlsources of
the controls on the reports.


Thank you very much John, I will go through your steps
and see if i could find something.

ever heard about this error message.... < stop statement
encountered > or Runtime error '13'. Type mismatch when
trying to add someone new on the database ?

Your help is much appreciated !


Thank you very much John, I will go through your steps
and see if i could find something.

ever heard about this error message.... < stop statement
encountered > or Runtime error '13'. Type mismatch when
trying to add someone new on the database ?

Your help is much appreciated !

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