Hi Sherain,
Wow, thanks for the detailed explanation, it really does help!
I think a couple of the problems you are having is due to a
misunderstanding about what Jack's macro did and how project treats
fields. When you ran Jack's macro, you actually copied the Flag1 data
from the Task Flag1 field to the *Assignment* Flag1 field, not the
Resource Flag1 field. The assignment Flag1 field will only show when
you are working with either the Resource Usage view or the Task Usage
view. That's why the filter you created (PerfEnv) works in the Resource
Usage view -- it's able to filter for the *Assignment* flag1 field =
"yes" even though it is a *Resource* filter.
To see the problem you hare having, show the Resource Sheet view and
apply the Summary table to the view. Add the Flag1 field to the table
and you will see that none of your resources have Flag1 set to "yes".
Now, when you run your PerfEnv filter, you will see no resources listed.
The filter is looking for *Resource* Flag1 = Yes not *Assignment* Flag1
= yes. So, when you attempt to create a new Resource Report using the
Summary table and the filter, there are no resources returned and no
data to print.
A possible workaround that may solve the problem - being able to print
something for your manager that will show her:
1. Resources who are assigned to "Perf Environment" flagged tasks
2. Total work for those resource assignments
3. Total cost for the Perf Environment tasks
1. Display the Resource Usage view and create a copy of the Usage table.
(View > Tables > More Tables, select the Usage table and Copy.)
2. Name the new table to your liking and apply the table to the view.
3. Add the Flag1 field, the Cost field, and the Work field to the table.
4. Apply the "PerfEnvironment" filter you created.
That should now only show those *assignments* that you have set Flag1 =
yes. The problem is, the Work field and Cost fields are still showing
the totals for the Resource.To fix that, we'll create a custom group
that will summarize only the work and cost for the filtered tasks.
5. Create a new group (Project > Group by > More Groups > New). Name
the group as you like and set the following definition:
Check off "Group assignments, not resources" checkbox.
First Row
Group by:
Field Name: Flag1
Field Type: Assignment
Order: Ascending or descending (doesn't really matter because there is
already a filter applied that only shows "yes" flags)
Second Row
Then by:
Field Name: Name
Field Type: Resource
Order: Ascending or Descending as you need.
6. Apply the Group to the filtered view. This should now show the work
and cost summarized by Resource for only the "Perf Env" assignments.
7. Drag the timescaled portion (right side) to the far right to hide it.
Adjust columns etc. as needed and print the view. I'm afraid no
"report" will give you what you need, but the advantage of printing the
view is that if you have a program that creates PDF files, you can
create a PDF file by simply printing the view.
You may even chose to go so far as to create a view to make it easier to
switch in and out of the view. Go to View > More Views. In the More
Views dialog box, the Resource Usage view should be selected. Click the
Copy button and rename the view to one of your liking. You should see
in the view definition dialog box the table, and group applied. I
noticed the "PerfEnv" filter was not listed in the view definition
eventhough it was applied. If you like the view, I would also add it to
your template.
I hope this helps. Let us know how you get along.
Project MVP
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